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Come and check out Community 5x11 G.I. Jeff - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W1u8qvq01a3CczMgxVggrdplGs_bw9Tb/view?usp=sharing



Adam Grunther

I love this episode. I love love love love LOVE this episode! Fuck I love this episode! Every joke. Every reference. Every character. Every moment absolutely hit for me. I love Shirley constantly saying I have three Kids! I love Duncan’s meaningless warning of having a twin who feels the same pain as him. I love Cobra Commander labeling Duke as an Aryan Foosball figure and I especially love the study group as GI Joe characters. This was the most fun I’ve had from the show since the season 3 celebrity impression episode. The only problem I have with it is that Pierce and Troy were already gone by this point. Imagine how amazing they could have been in this world. I would have loved to see what they would have looked like and what their codenames would be. I already know that Pierce’s would be “Streets Ahead.” It devastates me that this episode wasn’t written sooner. Otherwise it would have become my favorite episode. The stop motion Christmas episode is still my all time favorite as a result but this episode is the runner up. Yo JOE-BRA!!!!

Fay K

Great reaction =D Everyone is absolutely entitled to their own opinion but I had to make quick comment to say this is my second favorite episode of the ENTIRE show. My favorite is Season's 2 "Paradigms of Human Memory" (where they have the fake flashbacks) That being said, JRabbit I agree with you on that the first time it took me a bit to get used to it. (I was born at the very end of '89 in late September (in the UK) so didn't really grow up with the show) but on the second, third, fourth watch etc, I got a bit more appreciation for it every time.


I love when community goes full ham on an episode like they did here... And I always defend their jokes and styles that may turn off the average viewer. But I gotta say, I think they went a bit too much on this one. The other episodes when they spoof things, like paintball or zombies, it still feels like you can connect to the episode even if you're not a fan of those genres. But with this, I don't think it's as easy. I never watched GI Joe so almost every joke here goes over my head. I'm sure people that love GI Joe think this episode is awesome... But this one is not for everyone, including myself. I think they could have done the cartoon thing really well, but making it something as specific as they did here really narrowed their audience that would relate to it.


I LOVE this episode! This one really hits hard for those of us who grew up on the Transformers/G.I. Joe Power Hour in the 80's as clearly Dan Harmon did. It is SUPER inside baseball though so I can understand how someone unfamiliar with G.I. Joe would feel a little lost. I'm glad that something with this level of specificity exists though, especially as a one off, not everything can be for everyone. I remember as a kid my parents had lots of 50's references in TV shows that went over my head; now I get to be the one in on the joke! Maybe that *is* the joke. Did you guys catch that the character "Sleep Apnea" looks like and is voiced by Dan Harmon?