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Come and check out Scrubs 2x14 My Brother, My Keeper - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gsJA2txOZioofmWdRSIy8YmFGMAB0paU/view?usp=sharing




What an amazing episode. One my favorites.

Fay K

(Third time posting this if it doesn’t stay up I’ll rewrite and post again) Great reaction =D I find it really interesting how coming back to these episodes I really like Kelso's character. When I first watched I was in my early teens and thought that Kelso was just a horrible person because of all his rules but now that I'm able to reflect on Kelso I like him a lot more. Maybe i''m just a lot more jaded from the world. I like how Cox and Turk showed their support of Jordan and Turk's brother respectively, I feel bad for Turk especially since he was trying to cheer up his brother. I just think that he should have waited for Carla until after she saw her mother and recovered from her aunt's death. I mean, I've seen it in other places where people propose at funerals and I just hate it because no one is mentally able to process both of those at the same time (I mean it works for some people, no offense, but I would hate to be put in that sort of situation. I need time to mourn and grieve even if it is only waiting a week or a month) so that kind of lessens my sympathy with Turk. Either way, I really enjoyed this episode and find them all very interesting characters to watch =D


I've always loved Kelso but this episode is the one that really cements his position as one of my favourite characters, primarily because of the scene where he got real with his friend, you could see that he really didn't want to do it but above all he needs to know that the patients will be getting the right care. I also really enjoy the Janitor in this episode especially the scene where JD moves his ladder and he is just so confused as to why he would do such a thing, one of the best scenes in the episode and one of my favourite interactions between JD and Dr Jan Itor (the Janitor ) up to this point in the series.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys for me Scrubs is pretty much on a roll for the most part. So even on another one of my countless rewatches with you guys, it never fails to entertain. Like you said, it is very important to keep up with the times, especially in the medical field. So Kelso was spot on, to call out his friend. And bringing in Dick van Dyke, who is one of the most likeable people on the planet to play that part, was genius.

Björn Petersen

Remember when Kelso first was introduced and you really disliked him? I think you´re ment to feel that way about him, as many people did. And now about two seasons in he is a really great character. I mean sure, he still can be a jerk who doesn´t give a shit about his employees, but he also has this other side to him, where he´s laying down the law. Him and Cox are pretty similar in that regard, and i think that makes a great character. Can´t wait for the next one. P.S. Regarding the deleted posts that Fay mentioned. I have the same issue sometimes and what always helps me, is to SPLIT my comment into two posts. Don´t ask me why that works, but it does. And it doesn´t correlate to how long a post is or any specific reason. So i hope this helps. Believe it or not, but this very post got deleted as well so i had to split it. Case and Point 🤣 Take care

Ted Cali

By far, the best decision the show made from its early run is changing Kelso from “literally Satan” to “ cantankerous old coot we all secretly love.” Ken Jenkins just routinely knocks it out of the park, and is really able to ride that line of “I get to say and do as I please because I’m in charge, but there is a reason I’m in charge.”

Fay K

I agree. I started watching Scrubs from half way through its first season and then took a break around season six because of college etc. My mother didn't want me and my older sister watching Scrubs because she thought it was too mature for us when it came out. My sister was 13/14 and I was 11/12 but after my mother found out my sister had been watching it in secret kind of gave up and let us watch it (we'd already been watching Friends and things like that) As a twelve, thirteen, fourteen year old I didn't see beyond Kelso as anything other than he's all for the rules and is mean and shouldn't be so mean to patients. I mean, a twelve year old or at least this twelve year old didn't know very much about medicine. As I said I stopped watching for a while when I went to college. Coming back now as an adult who is older than 26 and therefore has had to deal with her own health care and health insurance, I can understand and appreciate Kelso much much more so I definitely agree with you, Ken Jenkins does it perfectly and you can side with Dr. Cox and be against those in charge but you also understand it and it's not an easy decision to make

Jason Faria

Kelso come upance. He is a jerk but he is right.