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Come and check out Community 5x1 Repilot - FULL Reaction- Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TZf401s-i8DWzH6a5mgqZxpuPSivKZCX/view?usp=sharing



Fay K

really love your take on this. I did tell some friends to check out your community reviews ;) but I still suggest you like/subscribe I think that Jeff being a teacher really opens up a new part of Greendale or at least a new mood/feel to Greendale. I also like how they connected it to Scrubs. It was dark for the season but I think it has to do with emotions. No spoilers but there is another dark episode (it's not your TV) because it parodies crime noir. Again, if people liked season 4 then good for them, there were things in it that I like, but when people belittle mental health issues as part of a joke it really ruins things for me. Anyway, looking forward to your take on this season and especially the unique parts of Jeff being a teacher


I kinda dislike them calling it a gas leak year, seems kind of petty on the part of Harmon.


Dan Harmon is definitely a petty, intolerable, egotistical d-bag... but also a fantastic writer.

Ted Cali

I just… look... LOOK. I know that confirmation bias is a thing, I know that no commentary can exist without personal favoritism, I know that objectivity and observation are inherently contradictory… BUT… it’s not just me, right? It’s night and fucking day from scene 1 of this season from where we left off. Right? Right?! They fixed Chang with one sentence after a season of goddamn Changnesia! Am I Mugatu on crazy pills? Alright, with the saliva off my shirt, I still feel like this is a breath of fresh air. The characters all feel like real human people again. That said, this season is not treated kindly by fans. Part of that is due to (and I swear to all of my gods this is the last time I will bring it up) season 4, in the way that people will say “oh yeah, Community is great, but just watch the first three seasons.” …And there’s another very specific reason that you will sadly come across soon. But honestly? It’s still fantastic for me. By default, I guess, it’s the weakest season of Harmon’s Community, but it is still miles above not only what we just had to sit through, but most modern sitcoms. Genuinely, coming up in a couple of weeks are three of my all time favorite episodes of any show, back to back to back, and I don’t think there is any episode this season I would put below an 8/10. Also I realize that this kinda sorta spoiled Scrubs for y’all. On that, I’ll say: 1) remember Troy’s weirdly emotional dig at Zach Braff for only doing 6 episodes of Season 9, and 2) …….. goddammit, this is the stupidest hill I will die on, but I will stand up for Scrubs Season 9. Scrubs, the show, ended at the end of Season 8 with one of my favorite sitcom endings of all time, and what came after that was a decently pleasant spin-off show that people never gave a chance. …I look forward to being roasted in the comments, thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Agree with Scrubs comments. 9 ain't Scrubs... but it's a perfectly fine sitcom with some fun cameos.


God... this felt good. laughs per minute are instantly up 1000%. There's definitely a darkness to this episode... All of the colors are washed out, and there's even a bit of a greenish/blueish filter over it to avoid too much color saturation. I believe it's done intentionally, and is acting as a visual representation of where our characters are emotionally at the moment... none of them are where they want to be. Their lives are looking dim. Maybe the Save Greendale Committee can brighten things up :)


Really looking forward to these last two seasons as they have some great episodes and one of my favourites in this season is episode 4 which the cast and Dan Harmon did a zoom chat table read for last year that you can find on youtube, they also did a group interview for Joel and Ken's podcast with everyone except Chevy of course, although it would probably be best to avoid until you finish the show as I'm pretty sure they discuss all seasons of the show at least a little bit.