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Come and check out What if...? 1x2 What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord? - FULL & Early access Reactions- Available on the drive now! 

FULL ($10tier): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DP4LrDqBm3nzgBJmaNwNOPg4OenV8lL-/view?usp=sharing

Edited: ($2 tier): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W616CRlGrgwcsYr9B14bKrb-d85cAGfC/view?usp=sharing



Adam Grunther

This is easily my favorite episode from the show so far, and I honestly don’t think it will be topped. Everything was so fascinating for how different it was. The fact that T’Challa was able to stop Thanos of all people just by talking to him is insane. The guy is literally perfect. He’s able to save millions of people on his own and rightfully earns his status in a way that Peter Quill never could or even will. I also love Korath’s role in the episode. Djimon Hounsou was hilarious as this alternate version of the character. I find it amazing that some throwaway villain in Guardians of the Galaxy was able to be such a standout. If I could nitpick anything, it would probably be the fact that Star Lord was the nickname Quill’s mother gave to him before she died, so it’s a bit of a cheat, but I’ll give it a pass since it’s an alternate timeline. Overall this episode was phenomenal and a beautiful send off for Chadwick Boseman. RIP.