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Come and check out the The Flash 7x13 Masquerade - Full Reaction- Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yQpVPbtTFgxD1TbsnV2aAMi14_XC-UXR/view?usp=sharing



Adam Grunther

Yep. This season is easily the worst one. As bad as season 5 got at least there were some cool moments and a crossover. This season? This season just has nothing. This episode is the second of the four filler episodes this season which Eric Wallace calls “the interlude.” When you have to blatantly admit that your episodes don’t add a single thing to the story, there is clearly something wrong. The whole thing with Psycho Pirate is basically a sloppy course correction that they tried and failed to do after they forgot him in Crisis on Infinite Earths, which was the actual time they were supposed to use him. The Rise of Skywalker would look at this episode and laugh for how ineffective the episode’s attempt is to please the fans.

Christina Jones

I really liked this episode. As someone in the black community who had to seek medical attention and treatment for my anxiety five years back only receive to immense negative response from those I expected to understand most the Cecile stuff really got home and she acted the hell out her scenes with Barry. I don’t understand how Pyscho Pirate can be a course correction when it’s a new timeline and they clearly stated there was a previous version. Considering how often the comics course correct their own shit I couldn’t help but chuckle at that critique. Its also rather assumptive to think all fans connecting this episode to anything remotely Star Wars considering having watched both series didn’t even occur to me 🙈 There is thus horrid misrepresentation of the word filler because it’s been used so improperly by fandoms no one bothers to consider actually knowing what it means. Filler mean it’s serves absolute no furthering of plot or characterization; it serves zero purpose to the season. Character development is not filler despite its popular association. This episode was about Cheater finding his own place after Cisco leaving; Iris and Barry are trying for a baby. Something happened to Cecile we assumed was part of the forces but turned out to be connected to something entirely different and considering I was trashing at the moment why the forces would attack Cecile of all people it was rewarding to see there was a plausible reasoning for that moment. S7 isn’t perfect by no means and comparing a season without restrictions to one that has a crap ton of new ones is a little unfair. Not to mention S5 was just as sloppy with as many ups and it was down depending on what you were looking for. The Nora shit was downright infuriating as she never acted the age she was supposed to be which consistently made me feel her arc was forced in lot of places. Not to mention the Frost family drama always to emerge rapidly. I’ve seen the Eric Wallace hatred train that is not only unwarranted but considering what hath come before it methinks more racially motivated than anything else. Just saying. Some people still actually butthurt over Ralph and the networks decision and blame him. I don’t really give AF if people still like the show or not, everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion but if you don’t my biggest question is; what the hell are you still doing here?