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Come and check out Community 4x12 Heroic Origins - FULL Reaction- Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16DO-yE7VG4rKcEVA26a1QODqJhcDsUOV/view?usp=sharing



Fay K

Great reaction =D Remember to like and subscribe before Season 5 starts Good news, Season 4 is nearly over. Bad news, when it comes to next episode I am completely confused on how I feel about it. what actually happened, and why they told the episode so I'm looking forward to your reaction and also to the comment section to see what other people think because I do not know. Something for me to look forward to. I have no idea why I find it so funny for Abed to be standing outside the theater and talking that way to Shirley's kids and treating them as if they were two adults instead of young boys. I'm not a Star Wars fan (nothing wrong with it but it personally bores me, I really depend on the writing and most importantly the dialogue when it comes to movies. Special effects and visuals aren't what pique my interest but to each their own). I just like that he speaks so bluntly to them but that's just Abed. Other than that I like how they turned the images between flashbacks into comic book art prints. I am a really big fan of Unbreakable. I also like Split but prefer Unbreakable. I HATE Glass for the same reasons others do. I just don't see the link between Unbreakable and what this episode showed. I'm sorry if that makes me sound like a dunce but I didn't get that reference. I don't want to spoil Unbreakable for people who haven't seen it but I thought it was all about how the villain and hero came to find one other to figure out their purpose in life not that they had crossed paths with one another multiple times in the past. Perhaps there is someone who can explain that to me Anyway great reaction, again can't wait to see what you make of the next episode

Lasith Bandara

I'm sorry but the wasted potential on this episode was unreal because I'm certain that Dan Harmon would've given us some amazing origin stories and like you guys My highlight was also POP POP origin story. Where do I start with Chang, OMG the way he was written in this episode annoyed the hell out of me because he was forced into every single scene with zero care and the way it revealed his connection to the group by handing out Flyers and Abed making a connection that wasn't there to begin with and Chang abandoning years of planning just because Abed decided to include him in the group by offering him frozen yogurt🤯🤯🤯🤯OMG What is happening did I just have a stroke or are they really trying to tell us that all is forgiven, don't forget all the crimes he committed on top of the Fraud on multiple fronts. If he's not jailed or kicked out of the college for serious crimes he committed I will be bitterly disappointed.

Fay K

But he has experimental monkey fever ;) abed said so


With Community, you always have to suspend your disbelief a little. But this episode asked way too much of their audience to buy into the plot here. It feels forced, and disingenuous. It's not like it's the worst episode in the series... but I hate it because of the wasted potential. They've now done the origins, and it was only OK. Bummer. This storyline could've been a top notch episode of the series... but I guess this is what we have to settle for. POP POP origin was perfect though. That moment felt true to Community. Even season 4 can't mess with Magnitude.

Ted Cali

I know some people like this episode, and... again, to each their own, but ugh. Yeah, like my favorite X-Men movie, where we learn how Logan got his leather jacket. And my favorite Star Wars movie, where we find out Anakin built C-3PO. And my favorite Hannibal movie, where... he's... weirdly into his randomly Japanese aunt? A little foggy on that last one, I've never watched that movie sober. Point is, feeling creatively bankrupt? Give unnecessary and overly expository backstory to your already established characters, success will surely follow. On a serious note, what makes me actively hate this episode are two things: 1) how it hides behind the "we're self-aware that this is shit, so you can't criticize us for that" trope by having Abed address the Star Wars prequels. 2) how it repeats Season 4's worst sin in forcing these characters to regress in order to make the plots happen. Wasn't the whole point of the Season 3 finale to show Jeff finally putting his past as a lawyer to bed and accepting that Greendale has changed him for the better? No matter, have him still act upset that he got disbarred for some reason! Hasn't Abed gotten through 3 seasons of character development in growing as a person, respecting people's boundaries, and separating reality from fiction? Nah, have him go through Jeff and Shirley's personal belongings and purposefully upset the group for his own satisfaction! Didn't Shirley already forgive Andre for cheating and created a newer, better relationship based on mutual trust and respect? Fuck it! She's mad all over again because this is season 4, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter. And I have to disagree: Pop Pop needed an origin like we needed midi-chlorians to explain the Force. Some things are just cooler when left mysterious. One more episode, then the pain stops...


The gas leak year is almost over. I have mixed feelings of the next episode. I kinda like some aspects of it? I guess I just like liking things. Can't wait to get Harmon back!