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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Flash 7x12 Good-Bye Vibrations - Available on the drive now!

Note: We were having issues with this one processing fully on the drive so uploaded it a couple times. May still need a bit of time to finish by the time this posts. 

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CzF1gCaee6P8uS5_yZY2-AHwIb3ZAmiy/view?usp=sharing

Extra Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kS3Wn2-q46xKmBOPcUhVMauiOge_MnS1/view?usp=sharing

One More extra: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lYNYqu0cA6F5-D2LuQcvORNmsC4styf9/view?usp=sharing



Christina Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-27 15:00:53 A few things; I thought this was a very Cisco like episode to send him off on. I’m going to play devils advocate here. Let’s brings up the first bit of context which prompted everyone’s reaction which is the fact that Cisco himself has felt a certain way about leaving ( the show and the team) for more opportunity and growth for some time now, so has Kamilla, but has not at all shared these feelings with their respective friends. Then decide THE DAY BEFORE YOURE LEAVING to say hey by the way I’m going to do this thing now, that cool? We good? K, bye. What kind of bullshit notice is that, sir and ma’am? That’s like if my best friend I see everyday was like “I’m getting married tomorrow; he’s the Prince of Prussia. You’re gonna be my bridesmaid. What do you say?” I’m thinking omg, wow, that was ALOT; I should be supportive and happy for them cause they’re a friend but also excuse bitch?????? ( on the inside). I mean even jobs ask for a two week notice. So communication failure was a three way street. And I don’t think they were being mean when they said take his stuff; of course someone would want to patten their things as pride of what they accomplished but Cisco wanted to leave his legacy. Once miscommunication happens it spreads like roaches in a crackhouse and intentions become eschewed. Barry packing up for him was his show of helping ( a way to unburden his last day) but in Cisco’s mind it was getting rid of him. And Iris not wanting suddenly to have to hire another dynamic is equally justifiable to be cross. The suddenness of it caused a series of unfortunate misinterpretations. Slightly juvenile; fair, but very human. Now onto the Villian; her boots were skittles on crack 🤣🤣🤣 It was fun to see the Flash be silly. That kinda thing was cringeworthy in season 4 but is much more successful under Wallace direction. Is it 100% successful no; that cat thing was irritating and Caitlin should have locked his ass out the system the minute he skipped in the room but the bro dance party was chuckle worthy. Which brings me to a point someone wrote about this show not being what “it used to be” I’ve been watching TV a LONG time and one thing I find with shows that run so long is not the great success of the storylines but the investment in the characters and their characterizations. That’s key. Melodrama aside on its lesser than successful arcs, this show has managed to rebound rather well from its slump in season 4 and 5 imho. Season 3 would have been better if it hadn’t played a familiar formula and stretched out the Savitar reveal until it was embarrassing. Then it ran out of steam because what made season 1 and 2 soooooo great was that they threw everything that could be exciting into the pot. You exhaust your comic supply and yet the audience demand is there with higher expectations except those combined components create storyline drought. ( I. E. S4&5) Season 6 was a GREAT comeback showing with COVID screwing up a likely more satisfying end with the momentum it built. Then creativity became curbed by restrictions of filming. Season 7 is clunky is some spots but it manages to try new things to continue to remove the show from an all too familiar much for any show lasting more than 3 season. I could go on and on regarding this debate but will end with The Flash has been on an upward trajectory in overall consistency in plot, heart, creativity, character progression in these past 2 years thus disagree that it is a lackluster star of distant fame. It needs just a bit more time to simmer under an EP that’s excited about it. Of course it’s not without flaw! My God yes, making it rain is undoubtably not something that will solve anything but that’s what happens when stoners come up with plans even if it’s a rainbow kinda high. Back to Caitlin, she tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter cause she know she can’t emote and then someone wrote in the script for her to say “ you da bomb” 🧐🥸🤮🤦🏿‍♀️ This will not be the last time we will have words about Caitlin. Bye Cisco, we will miss you though you been sitting on the bubble for 3 years now which totally made you story arc schizophrenic but I’m glad you finally made up your mind 😭😭🥳 Seriously I love Carlos and as I previously mentioned this felt written for him to go out with heart and joy and yes a whole lot of silly. At the time it aired it was a balm
2021-08-13 01:21:37 A few things; I thought this was a very Cisco like episode to send him off on. I’m going to play devils advocate here. Let’s brings up the first bit of context which prompted everyone’s reaction which is the fact that Cisco himself has felt a certain way about leaving ( the show and the team) for more opportunity and growth for some time now, so has Kamilla, but has not at all shared these feelings with their respective friends. Then decide THE DAY BEFORE YOURE LEAVING to say hey by the way I’m going to do this thing now, that cool? We good? K, bye. What kind of bullshit notice is that, sir and ma’am? That’s like if my best friend I see everyday was like “I’m getting married tomorrow; he’s the Prince of Prussia. You’re gonna be my bridesmaid. What do you say?” I’m thinking omg, wow, that was ALOT; I should be supportive and happy for them cause they’re a friend but also excuse bitch?????? ( on the inside). I mean even jobs ask for a two week notice. So communication failure was a three way street. And I don’t think they were being mean when they said take his stuff; of course someone would want to patten their things as pride of what they accomplished but Cisco wanted to leave his legacy. Once miscommunication happens it spreads like roaches in a crackhouse and intentions become eschewed. Barry packing up for him was his show of helping ( a way to unburden his last day) but in Cisco’s mind it was getting rid of him. And Iris not wanting suddenly to have to hire another dynamic is equally justifiable to be cross. The suddenness of it caused a series of unfortunate misinterpretations. Slightly juvenile; fair, but very human. Now onto the Villian; her boots were skittles on crack 🤣🤣🤣 It was fun to see the Flash be silly. That kinda thing was cringeworthy in season 4 but is much more successful under Wallace direction. Is it 100% successful no; that cat thing was irritating and Caitlin should have locked his ass out the system the minute he skipped in the room but the bro dance party was chuckle worthy. Which brings me to a point someone wrote about this show not being what “it used to be” I’ve been watching TV a LONG time and one thing I find with shows that run so long is not the great success of the storylines but the investment in the characters and their characterizations. That’s key. Melodrama aside on its lesser than successful arcs, this show has managed to rebound rather well from its slump in season 4 and 5 imho. Season 3 would have been better if it hadn’t played a familiar formula and stretched out the Savitar reveal until it was embarrassing. Then it ran out of steam because what made season 1 and 2 soooooo great was that they threw everything that could be exciting into the pot. You exhaust your comic supply and yet the audience demand is there with higher expectations except those combined components create storyline drought. ( I. E. S4&5) Season 6 was a GREAT comeback showing with COVID screwing up a likely more satisfying end with the momentum it built. Then creativity became curbed by restrictions of filming. Season 7 is clunky is some spots but it manages to try new things to continue to remove the show from an all too familiar much for any show lasting more than 3 season. I could go on and on regarding this debate but will end with The Flash has been on an upward trajectory in overall consistency in plot, heart, creativity, character progression in these past 2 years thus disagree that it is a lackluster star of distant fame. It needs just a bit more time to simmer under an EP that’s excited about it. Of course it’s not without flaw! My God yes, making it rain is undoubtably not something that will solve anything but that’s what happens when stoners come up with plans even if it’s a rainbow kinda high. Back to Caitlin, she tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter cause she know she can’t emote and then someone wrote in the script for her to say “ you da bomb” 🧐🥸🤮🤦🏿‍♀️ This will not be the last time we will have words about Caitlin. Bye Cisco, we will miss you though you been sitting on the bubble for 3 years now which totally made you story arc schizophrenic but I’m glad you finally made up your mind 😭😭🥳 Seriously I love Carlos and as I previously mentioned this felt written for him to go out with heart and joy and yes a whole lot of silly. At the time it aired it was a balm

A few things; I thought this was a very Cisco like episode to send him off on. I’m going to play devils advocate here. Let’s brings up the first bit of context which prompted everyone’s reaction which is the fact that Cisco himself has felt a certain way about leaving ( the show and the team) for more opportunity and growth for some time now, so has Kamilla, but has not at all shared these feelings with their respective friends. Then decide THE DAY BEFORE YOURE LEAVING to say hey by the way I’m going to do this thing now, that cool? We good? K, bye. What kind of bullshit notice is that, sir and ma’am? That’s like if my best friend I see everyday was like “I’m getting married tomorrow; he’s the Prince of Prussia. You’re gonna be my bridesmaid. What do you say?” I’m thinking omg, wow, that was ALOT; I should be supportive and happy for them cause they’re a friend but also excuse bitch?????? ( on the inside). I mean even jobs ask for a two week notice. So communication failure was a three way street. And I don’t think they were being mean when they said take his stuff; of course someone would want to patten their things as pride of what they accomplished but Cisco wanted to leave his legacy. Once miscommunication happens it spreads like roaches in a crackhouse and intentions become eschewed. Barry packing up for him was his show of helping ( a way to unburden his last day) but in Cisco’s mind it was getting rid of him. And Iris not wanting suddenly to have to hire another dynamic is equally justifiable to be cross. The suddenness of it caused a series of unfortunate misinterpretations. Slightly juvenile; fair, but very human. Now onto the Villian; her boots were skittles on crack 🤣🤣🤣 It was fun to see the Flash be silly. That kinda thing was cringeworthy in season 4 but is much more successful under Wallace direction. Is it 100% successful no; that cat thing was irritating and Caitlin should have locked his ass out the system the minute he skipped in the room but the bro dance party was chuckle worthy. Which brings me to a point someone wrote about this show not being what “it used to be” I’ve been watching TV a LONG time and one thing I find with shows that run so long is not the great success of the storylines but the investment in the characters and their characterizations. That’s key. Melodrama aside on its lesser than successful arcs, this show has managed to rebound rather well from its slump in season 4 and 5 imho. Season 3 would have been better if it hadn’t played a familiar formula and stretched out the Savitar reveal until it was embarrassing. Then it ran out of steam because what made season 1 and 2 soooooo great was that they threw everything that could be exciting into the pot. You exhaust your comic supply and yet the audience demand is there with higher expectations except those combined components create storyline drought. ( I. E. S4&5) Season 6 was a GREAT comeback showing with COVID screwing up a likely more satisfying end with the momentum it built. Then creativity became curbed by restrictions of filming. Season 7 is clunky is some spots but it manages to try new things to continue to remove the show from an all too familiar much for any show lasting more than 3 season. I could go on and on regarding this debate but will end with The Flash has been on an upward trajectory in overall consistency in plot, heart, creativity, character progression in these past 2 years thus disagree that it is a lackluster star of distant fame. It needs just a bit more time to simmer under an EP that’s excited about it. Of course it’s not without flaw! My God yes, making it rain is undoubtably not something that will solve anything but that’s what happens when stoners come up with plans even if it’s a rainbow kinda high. Back to Caitlin, she tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter cause she know she can’t emote and then someone wrote in the script for her to say “ you da bomb” 🧐🥸🤮🤦🏿‍♀️ This will not be the last time we will have words about Caitlin. Bye Cisco, we will miss you though you been sitting on the bubble for 3 years now which totally made you story arc schizophrenic but I’m glad you finally made up your mind 😭😭🥳 Seriously I love Carlos and as I previously mentioned this felt written for him to go out with heart and joy and yes a whole lot of silly. At the time it aired it was a balm

Lasith Bandara

Loved the reaction guys but This was a very average send off episode especially for Cisco because he was an OG member and this is how they decided to send him off WOW 🤯what a let down. Also I thought I was angry with the writers with this send off episode and then I watched some of their work in later episodes which relates to this episode which pissed me off even more I won't say what it is but i'm looking forward to your reaction, Can't wait for the next one.