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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Firefly 1x9 Ariel - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XyiGDjbbgbNqxDOS1gdoVbpQNQAUjzVp/view?usp=sharing



Björn Petersen

Hey guys yet again an awesome episode. Simon showing his skills, and the crew finally scoring some major loot. Jayne being an asshole really bummed me out, but one can hope that he may find redemption. If you remember in the pilot episode when the Marshall hid undercover as a passanger on the Serenity, he held River at gunpoint. Mal shot him in the head and they took off. Mal then asked Jayne, if he had anything to do with the Marshall getting loose on the ship. He said no and when Mal asked why, Jayne simply answered "The money wasn´t good enough." Mal then asked "What happens when it is?" And Jayne said "Well, that will be an interesting day." So we knew right from the start that there could be trouble with him in the future. The "Blue Hand" guys were creepy as fuck. We actually saw them already briefly in the second episode with the Train Job at the very end, but no biggy. Loved your reaction as always and i see you in the next one.

Jeremy Burch

This episode was great, getting to see Simon being more in charge and showing how good of a doctor he is was great. The guys with the blue hands were creepy, especially with that weapon that their using, as Björn said in the other comment we have seen them before in episode 2 and River said "two by two, hands of blue" a lot in that episode as well. Jayne turning Simon and River in was incredibly disappointing but not entirely surprising, when I first watched this episode and River cut Jayne I was wondering why and I was wondering did she do it randomly or because she knew something, then when he turned them in, I wondered if she knew he was going to do that. Anyway, great episode and reaction, I look forward to the next one.