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Come and check out the Early access edited reaction: The Office 2x16 Valentine's Day - Available on the drive now!




Michelle Leach

A wonderful 4th of July treat! <3 Now THIS is what I'm talking about with Michael!! So proud of him this episode! He made a little slip when defending Jan to the others and immediately realized and tried to back pedal and then when things hit the fan he did a fantastic job at not only apologizing but taking complete ownership of the situation and in a very professional way. I also loved the little video he made- another example of how much Michael cares for his employees and wants corporate to see how valued they are! Rare these days and I honestly respect it, even if a little tacky haha. And that kiss at the end to top it off with the elevator closing was such a hilarious cliffhanger, also showing it's not all on Michaels side as she initiated it! Not gonna lie, him defending her at the end was kinda hot and he got David Wallace smiling lol