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Hi July Patrons!

Special thanks to everyone who pledged again for July, welcome back! And welcome to those of you that are new this month!

Today is Billing day. We will be organizing all of the drives once billing settles and will be resending access  to everyone active this month. For any declines, we will check in with you first before removing you from the drive! For those of you that were unable to pledge for this month, we're sorry to see you go and hope to see you back soon!

In the meantime, while everything settles, we have this month's polls going for New Show and New Movie reactions!  Be sure to weigh in!  (And remember you can vote for more than one ) Regular posting will resume again then tomorrow :)

Special thanks to the following Patrons for their recommendations on which New Movies we should react to this month!:

Rhett Leonard, Talisa Lucas, Jesse Lucas, Monica Bennerman, Jack Walton, Sir Deb, Kate Zimmerman, Lasith Bandara, Fae206, Marianna Pappas, Tre Bolden, Jaminica, William Green, Adam Grunther, Lisa Nap, Tom Lester, Varis Nailo, Edwin Hickey, Dannielle, Charger23us, Dylan Wofford, Karin Baggie, Naim Johnson, Miguel Bravo, Rudy Plaz, Keise, David Wilson, Michael Kristiansen, Laura Liebl, Jay, Muino HoG, Swamp Blues, Super Smexy Santa Alter, Alexis Hilliard, GaryJerryLarry, Bronwyn

Thanks to all of you!

Because there were soooo many suggestions, we split the recommendations into several polls- so be sure to weigh in on each!

Winners will be announced Monday July 5th :D

Thanks again for all the support!

RJ & Jrabbit


Fay K

This is not intended to insult anyone but can someone explain the appeal of the bo burnham stuff to me, it seems like a new reaction is voted through every month and I’m not really sure why people love it so much. Just curious, not meant as an insult, just thought I’d ask

Heidi Liedtke

It's comedy, and people like comedy. If you don't like his stuff, then there's not really much I can do to explain it. When he got popular a few years back, he was popular in online communities, and people saw him as a comic who subverted the way comedy was usually done. Here's a comic who you probably expect to see the same stuff as most, but he's singing and talking about anxiety and depression and actual real life, and also showing his opinion on how he feels about Big Showbiz and bigots and big companies and how they treat the world. This, paired with his unusual style of comedy - lots of singing, lots of really small or quick things that you get after the moment has happened, and you realise how smart he is (and feel a bit smart for working it out), etc. Plus, the music is catchy, so it gets stuck in your head. It's been coming up a lot now because he took a 5 year break from his comedy shows, and his latest JUST came out, so it's in everyones minds. Plus, honestly, I think a lot of people don't expect to see a young white man to be putting it all out on the line to talk about real life things, especially making comments on showbiz and how they manipulate people and they find it refreshing - especially when he was making these comments when he first started, it could have seriously damaged his career, so people like that he doesn't just ignore these things.