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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Scrubs 1x22 My Occurrence - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IrUbIzT0oDWzfNGfXcM9juu_pvZ-1_qF/view?usp=sharing



Jason Faria

This episode... it is a tent pole. no spoilers.

Jeremy Burch

I love this episode, the casting, the choice of the direction for this episode and the song choice I thought was great as well. This episode might be in my top five, it's been awhile since I've seen the whole series so I might of forgotten some episodes, so maybe it would end up being in my top ten, but for now I'll stick with top five.

Lasith Bandara

Ben was a real fun character and I feel bad for Dr.Cox he's going to miss him very much. This episode was beautifully done and I liked how we got to see J.D's imagination revealed that twist at the end, also this opens up for future episodes similar to that scenario where his imagination runs wild due to trauma or any other type of stress that he feels and it could go on for much longer than it did in this episode and it will be Epic, Can't wait for next one.


This is a big one for me. Ben was so incredibly likable for only appearing in this one episode so far, so when the record scratched and took us back to the hospital room (to reveal he has leukemia) it really took the wind out of me. It's a gut punch... and not just because Ben is likable, but because he's the only person we've seen Dr. Cox actually like. After a whole season of Cox hating humanity, we find one person he can stand being around, and he is diagnosed with cancer. All 3 of the actors in that room did a fantastic job of reacting to the news. Every reaction was different. JD's eyes started welling up at the end. Cox kept the smirk on his face, but you can tell it's a defense mechanism... he kept his eyes off Ben the whole time. And Ben just had a look of pure shock... like his whole body just went cold. This scene lives rent free in the back of my head. BTW leukemia has a 65% 5-year survival rate. It is treatable, and in rare instances completely curable, but most people are gone before the 20 year mark... and when this episode was out, it was much lower.

Ted Cali

Love this episode. JD's daydreams or fantasies or whatever you want to call them are an integral part of the show, but up until this point it's been kind of a narrative quirk more than anything. The show works exceedingly well when it uses that quirk to tell a story in a unique way, like it does with that heartbreaking twist at the end. Sure, you might be able to call it ahead of time, but the point is that it contextualizes JD's daydreams as not just fun for fun's sake, but as a way his mind protects him from the harshness of working in a hospital like that.