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***Sorry for the delay on today's posting Patrons! RJ & I had our 2nd vaccine yesterday and were hit hard today & laid out. Just getting up now to record and edit today's content. There may be a slight delay as the drive processes the videos since we just uploaded them- Sorry guys!***

Come and check out the FULL & Early access edited reaction: Firefly 1x1 Serenity - Available on the drive now!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VXHL1IC48efNq6mVBKfVKiyckU8Cto38/view?usp=sharing

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lPxHn-Bd3V0VlT08ZNshfis7IcrSGE6m/view?usp=sharing



Eric Johnson

This reaction, right here, is exactly why I'm subscribed to you guys. As you both mentioned, there is a LOT going on in this episode - and yet, despite the inevitable difficulty in keeping track of all of that, you immediately picked up on the fact that Mal was messing with Shepherd Book on purpose because he lost any kind of faith he ever had due to the war. Smart reactors are the best reactors! Also for that reason, I'm delighted that Firefly finally won a poll. Really looking forward to the rest of these reactions; this show includes some of my favorite TV episodes of all time.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys i am so stoked that this show won. Now let me try to give you a little rundown So this show is set 500 years in the future. Captain Malcom Reynolds was a Seargeant back in the war. He was part of the independent faction called the "Browncoats". Him and Zoe were fighting together. That´s why she still calls him Sir. The battle we saw in the very beginning was called "The Battle of Serenity Valley", It was the final fight of the war, which they obviously lost against the "Alliance". Now, six years later the Alliance has become the government. The crew of the Firefly is just trying to stay afloat and keep flying under the radar, taking any job they can get. You said it feels like a space western, and that is exaclty what Joss Wheedon was going for. Some planets are very advanced and pretty much run by the Alliance, and some planets on the outer rim have just been terra-formed. That´s why they look so primitive. The language they all are speaking from time to time is Mandarin Chinese, It became the most spoken language in this universe. Joss Wheedon used this to get away with swear words on network tv.😉 So for example "Gorram Reavers" means goddamn Reavers. Pretty much every time you´ll hear them say something in Mandarin, just assume they are swearing their asses off. The crew members are: Captain Malcom "Mal" Reynolds Zoe - Second in Comand Wash - Pilot and Zoes husband Inara Serra - "Companion" and Ambasador Jayne aka Casey from Chuck - Gun for Hire Kaylee Frye - Ships mechanic Shepherd Book - Priest Simon Tam - Ships doctor River - Simons sister Sorry for the long post, but this should give you a pretty good idea of what is going on. Loved the reaction as always, and i can´t wait for the next one.

Björn Petersen

Oh yes and the way that outer space is represented in this show is imo the most realistic one. There is no atmosphere and therefore NO SOUND in space. That´s what makes it even more terrifying.

Jason Faria

Great reaction, thank you so much! You guys are in love with this crew, even if you don't know it yet.

Cory Stanish

The language everybody is speaking is Mandarin Chinese. The Alliance is the Anglo-Sino Alliance, a government made up of the the former governments of the United States and China. That's why everyone speaks both English and Chinese. I can say all that without spoiling anything because none of that is ever explicitly said on the show. But you will quickly learn that Firefly fans know everything there is to know about Firefly. I'm confident you can expect to see your comments filled with illuminating facts about every episode!


i just gotta say i fucking love you guys lol you guys are incredible you never cease to amaze me by reacting to things i fucking love lol arrested development, always sunny, community, rick and morty, and many more, and now firefly another incredible underrated and underappreciated show as is evident by the unjust cancelation line in community :( .