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Hi Patrons! 

We got a couple messages from Patrons asking how quickly we'll react to the final 3 episodes of Avatar. 

We typically try and spread it out so you have an opportunity to comment on each episode (both those on $10 tiers and those on $2tiers) but we wanted to run a poll to see if you prefer that we skip that and just react to all three and then post those all at once?

If we spread them out this would be the reaction schedule to expect for those last three:

3x19: Posted 4/8/2021
3x20: Posted 4/11/2021

3x21: Posted 4/14/2021

If you prefer we react and just post them all at once (both fulls and early reactions). We can aim to have those up by 4/11/2021.

Vote and let us know what you prefer!

We'll post results Wednesday 4/7/2021.

Thanks as always for the continued support!

RJ & JRabbit


Tim Xi

I feel like the discussion would be better if you spread them out !

J. White

Spread them out