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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Expanse 5x9 Winnipesaukee - Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-U_ikbdZhspvSt8_Tfd6NWkZasb9FWzc/view?usp=sharing



Lasith Bandara

Loved the reaction guys, This was an excellent penultimate episode and I loved everything about it, Chrissy is back where she belongs and Amos is back in space with Peaches and that's where the fun stops, because Drummer's and Naomi's situations couldn't be more diabolical and as RJ would say I was struggling to see the light at the end of the rainbow for both Naomi and Drummer. Also I love how Marco keeps turning losses to wins, like the scene where he manipulated Filip with Naomi's situation and both of your reactions are hilarious to that particular scene. I can't wait for your reaction to this amazing Finale it's going to be Epic.

Christina Jones

Before I forget to add it, watch through the credits at the end of the game episode for a sneak peek at...something. 😏My cackle was rather unhinged when Marco heard Naomi was now in control, he’d just suffered a lost he shrugged off with all the charisma of a seasoned leader only to be yoked back into tantrum form. Bastard paid her back telling him she left them again but methinks his anger was more at the fact that he lost his chance with his mother and they were due to his actions. He learned enough to know who she was despite Marco swaying in the end that those emotions are partially inward. What I love about Naomi’s arc is that she is effective the only one we know who could be successful with the cards dealt. They established episode 4 via Lopez that repairs done on that shuttle was beyond the brains of someone average. From the beginning her ingenuity has been saving the Roci crews lives. Just a brilliant arc for her that ends rather stunningly. Eric was absolutely MVP. His easy charm and forthright manner was a joy to the storyline. Everyone loves Amos it is law. So sad to see the journey end. And for Pete’s sake the TV show expanse ends in season 6 but the writers of the books clearly have stated it’s not the end of expanse on our screens. And trust the last 3 trilogies require ALOT like A WHOLE LOT. To have something done right you have to give it time this it’ll truly be a masterpiece. I’ve been waiting for Avatar for 15 years it seems but I know when it drops it’s gonna change the game. I feel like the last 3 books are very EPIC in scale. Rather they say it in the show or not they literally kill Earth so if you wanna go from there you may start to see the massive redesign of the series reaching its final crescendo. Can’t wait for your reactions