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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Chuck 3x1 Chuck Versus the Pink Slip - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11YoG_W9QMvqVrxVPvfOYdn2lLAI0RTuR/view?usp=sharing



Fredrik IB

Hey guys! I am so happy you guys liked this episode, because I think it's rather underrated as far as Chuck episodes go. For me, this is how to do a season premiere. It introduces so many elements and I basically love all of them. The fact that Chuck tapping into the intersect to "download" skills is based off of his emotions is a great way to limit his powers, and it feels very much like something that belongs in this show, since Chuck is such an emotional person by heart. The soundscore this season is fantastic, and i'm really glad you mentioned it. Not just the actual songs, but the soundtrack from the show's composer too. The end of season 2 was a banger, and as the show ended, people didn't know if we would get a third season or not. Interestingly enough, it was the fans that saved the show through a Subway campaign. I think the showrunners wanted Chuck to feel familiar, so they kind of also implemented abit of a reset (like you guys talked about). Buy More is back, Morgan is back, and the team is back together again. That said, the way they did it felt great to me. I also want to say I completely agree with Chuck's curly hair being awesome. He looks less like the typical nerd and more like a spy (while still looking nerdy), which I think was the show's intention here. Lastly, I want to add that the killing of Emmett was awesome. It came as a complete shock to me first time around, since I wasn't prepared for Chuck to be that dark all of a sudden. Anyway, awesome reaction and i'm so happy you guys picked up Chuck again for the third season. Can't wait for more.

Terry Yelmene

Masaryk Railway Station, Prague, Czech Republic At the Masaryk train station, Sarah wasn’t being merely jilted by a boyfriend. No, at the most vulnerable she had ever let herself get, Sarah’s very soul was being cut out. And worse, it was Chuck, the only person who she felt she could ever really trust, who was cutting her. For Sarah, nothing could be worse. Sarah was conditioned to be closed off emotionally by all the men who ever surrounded her. Her father, her classmates, her handlers, every man confident enough to openly admire/hit on her, even the few hunky hero boyfriends with which she had superficial relationships. No man had ever invested enough effort to do more than scratch the Sarah Walker surface. How could they? She was Sarah Walker, the stunningly breathtaking, world-class CIA operative and assassin, who, to stay alive, could afford to trust no one. Sarah survived by her wits, her looks, and the walls she had built to protect herself. Yet deep down, Sarah knew she needed more. Sarah yearned to feel worthy of trust, to be honest, to have integrity, to give love, and to be truly loved. She felt trapped by the life that gave her ‘excitement’ at the expense of all the other ‘more honorable, more real’ things she thought she should have done/could have given. Then of course, Sarah had the unimagined encounter with Charles Irving Bartowski, the seemingly unremarkable mark to be investigated and scrubbed (killed). As unlikely as it might seem, Chuck, with his naiveté, his genuineness, his caring for friends/family, his unyielding integrity, his immediate adoration of all of Sarah’s best traits, and of course his openness to truly love, turned out to be the ‘key’ to what Sarah truly needed. Chuck had breached Sarah. He ignited aspirations she hadn’t realized she had. As she later admitted, she was hooked almost immediately, even as she continued to hold her walls up. But, at that train station, Chuck ‘declined’ her! Even more than that, he denied her.. the once in her lifetime opportunity to be really open to love and her first real chance at being honest and open. Chuck denied her the chance to turn a corner she deep down, desperately needed to turn. Chuck -hurt her- in a way no other man had ever hurt her. Chuck cut Sarah.