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Come and check out the FULL & Early access edited Reaction: The Office 1x1 Pilot - Available on the drive now! 

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yn2nrY20a76pdvtZVKwKYP7La1TqIfRX/view?usp=sharing

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ivIEgLMndM-J_YqRmK3NFK8tR_9Kiy3/view?usp=sharing



Jani Salminen

Oh yes! Here we go. Just a heads up that these The Office reactions tend to get blocked real fast on Youtube.


yay! in my opinion the show becomes consistently great by season 3, with good episodes here and there through seasons 1-2.

Joshua Wanakamik

oh this was a treat i love the office..cant wait for more....VOTE ppl!!!!

Nate Douville

I think the majority of people would say that Season 2 is where The Office really starts to get its footing. Although I loved season 1 from the start.

Lasith Bandara

This Pilot episode was an exact carbon copy of the UK version. Maybe I'm Biased but I prefer the the Original Cast they were much better, but I'm aware this US version go beyond 2 seasons and I guess I'm excited to see how the US adopted the show going forward. Also Steve Carell is a brilliant choice for David Brent but Rick Gervais is, always will be the Icon and the extraordinaire who created and Played one of the best underdogs and lovable buffoon that is David Brent.

❥ rina

ayee i love the office, this should be fun ! i'd say season 2 is definitely where it picks up (i adore season 2 and everything afterwards). Not to be too harsh on s1, but it's almost always skipped on rewatches. That being said, for first-time watchers, s1 is definitely important for setting up characters, dynamics and things like that. plus s1 still has some great moments, so either way this show will always have u laughing ur asses off. i have a feeling u guys will seriously love this show, so enjoy !