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Come and check out the Early access edited reaction: Community 2x21 Paradigms of Human Memory - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qJwbeEUq5Hznw87jT0f_2QcYjg7AIXGS/view?usp=sharing



Eric Johnson

I will tentatively assume that you guys have seen enough old sitcoms to be familiar with the "clip show" - that is, an episode composed mostly of clips from previous episodes. (For example, Friends did about one of these per season.) It's an artifact of the time before streaming, when previous episodes weren't already available to rewatch at the drop of a hat - and it made a pretty easy episode for the production team, usually right before the finale which would typically be much more demanding. Leave it to Community to do a clip show, but one that is composed of entirely new moments (thereby making the filming far MORE demanding than usual - there must have been dozens of costume changes involved). But it wouldn't be Community if they didn't also do the trope better than everyone else, even while making fun of it. The moments might have been brand new, but they're also a match for the actual season we've had - we never saw the group all wake up in strait jackets, but we DID see them turn into zombies; we never saw them in an inflatable raft on St. Patrick's Day, but we DID see them drive a space simulator/RV back to campus. And there would have been plenty of footage of the group fighting and then making up after a Jeff speech to use as well. Throw in a brilliant parody of every 'shipping video on Youtube and a few seconds spent mocking the deservedly short-lived NBC show "The Cape" that turned into the rallying cry for Community fans (Six seasons and a movie!), and you have one of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite shows.

Ted Cali

Ah, the fake clip show. Community isn’t the first to do it by a long shot, but I think this episode perfectly sends up the trope for a modern audience, and is definitely in my top ten. It’s such an annoyingly well written episode, too. First you get scenes that you can maybe explain away as ‘unused footage’ from previous stories (almost none of it is, btw), before it goes balls to the wall insane with adventures that couldn’t have possibly happened, but also make total sense for this group. “Pierce is almost executed by a Mexican cartel for being racist” is one of those sentences that just feels right. For fun facts: the “shipping montage” for Jeff and Annie (and then Abed/Pierce and Chang/Annie’s Boobs) was based on an actual fan video Harmon saw on YouTube. Its inclusion here might be one of the more expensive trolls in history, since he ended up paying $35,000 of his own money in order to secure the rights for that song. And of course... #SixSeasonsAndAMovie


Coming in late to say The Traveling Wilburys were a musical supergroup made up of Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and George Harrison.