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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Expanse 5x6 Tribes - Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CRiE5RWS1LLb-j1gsyHBoSdPTJYzNkyM/view?usp=sharing



Lasith Bandara

Loved the reaction guys, Amos and Clarissa are the highlight of this episode for me, and they are adorable. Also Marco is very compelling to observe as an audience member, every time he is on screen I pay extra attention because he's very strategic and calculated even when he speaks. For example when Filip almost gave away the location of Naomi he was quick to stop him and avert suspicion, which tells me no one really knows his plans, and everyone executes his plans when he wants to and the time is right, he's been a breath of fresh air and it's been a long time since I have seen a proper villain on a good TV show. Can't wait for the next episode because it's one of my faves from this season.

Christina Jones

My love of Peaches is mostly on the book. In the TV show she kinda has the Daryl Dixon effect on a new character thus her scenes are enjoyed for the fact that Amos is in them. I agree, Lasith, Marco is a very compelling villain. He thought he had a fan in Drummer who literally dragged him for filth and despite Naomi leaving her for her Inners isn’t so damn bitter and petty about it. You know Drummers been tying to reach Naomi so seeing Filip on the ship really through my girl who is stuck between an impossible situation. Karal also is a shit starter so you know she gone be starting shit. Talk about drama aboard the Pella; Filip can’t believe his family dynamic isn’t what he imagined as domestic and psychological abuse swirl in this lot. Filips like say whatttttt my mama a famous Belter hero too ( which how Cyn know about your gravity fail but he don’t know the most publicized ring event ever; y’all trash for that( Marco and Co. ). He’s of course wanting to know that he got two history book Belter legends as parents but Marco looks tell it all, there’s only ONE parent he will admire. Isn’t this what some of it is all about though? At least his ascension; being a great warrior and conquer ( mind you Alexander wasn’t fighting oppression at all) so that he can peacock in front of her ex so she know she messed up leaving him. Except now that she’s there he doesn’t really know what to do. These next two here are my favorites!