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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Chuck 2x20 Chuck Versus the First Kill - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dM9TWoi3L4tdOmTD3wtknQuBH0V5gE2S/view?usp=sharing



Fredrik IB

Hey guys! Even it it's a step down from last episode (and the weakest of the last 4), I still love parts of this episode. Like you guys said, this episode was about betrayal and trust. The entire series so far has been about trust from Chuck's point of view, and Chuck and Sarah's relationship has slowly built up towards those final moments of this episode. The scene where Sarah disobeys direct orders and tells Chuck that "we need to run" gives me goosebumps too. She has never disobeyed direct orders of this magnitude before, not even close. Her entire life since she was a teenager has been about her career within the CIA and within seconds she risks it all for Chuck. I remember I was slightly worried too at this point about how the show would continue and in what way, but I was not disappointed at all, so I would try not to worry about that part too much. Also, i'm not sure what you meant when you wondered if they had ran away like that already, but no. They have never ran away from the CIA like that before. Anyway, great reaction and I am so looking forward to more.


Aww, I didn't know you guys cared about Big Mike so much:) Him kissing Morgan, the music in the background and the lines "I know it was you, Morgan" "You broke my heart" and "I don't want anything to happen to him as long as his mom and I are dating" were actually a big Godfather 2 reference. There's going to be a Godfather bit in this next episode, too. Since you said you liked the corny lines used in the episode, the writers of this show liked to have fun with common cliché phrases by repeating them over and over. Like in the episode with Sarah's father, when they kept saying "It's personal." Or, in this episode, the word "trust" was said 22 times. I love this tongue in cheek corniness As for the main story, I told you that Sarah was caught between her career and her feelings for Chuck;) In her defense, I think a big part of her initial motivation was she probably believed getting Chuck underground was the best way to keep him safe, just like Casey had told her. In the end, I think she didn't want to be another person in the line of people who betrayed Chuck. Also, saving his father was why she was in this business: to help people. She did disobeyed orders before, episodes 1x13 and 2x03 come to mind, but those times she still had an out, she could still explain them away. Right now, though, she threw her career out the window and she'll be a fugitive. At least, she has experience with that Question: what do you guys think about the Subway bits? Usually, I hate product placement, but here it's so blatant that it fits the silliness of the show and Big Mike really knows how to talk a sandwich up. There was actually a whole fan campaign involving Subway, that saved the show from cancellation after the end of this season. And finally, a fun fact that is also a small Breaking Bad spoiler: the Fulcrum agent who fell out the window was Skyler's boss (Ted) in that show and his demise there was very similar to the one he had here: he tripped on a carpet and broke his neck. This one wasn't a reference, though. This episodes aired about two years before the Breaking Bad one.