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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Expanse 5x5 Down and Out - Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

LInk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CvFMhMAUYQvAIbWFQk1hGkAjrrxFct1e/view?usp=sharing



Lasith Bandara

I loved your reaction guys, this episode was filled with Drama and I loved every minute of it. Naomi's Situation is Peak and I like how the writers are playing with her emotions this season and Marco's emotional abuse towards Filip and Naomi in this episode was unreal. Also I knew that last Rocinante scene was inevitable when I saw Sakai shoot Fred in the chest, because I remembered she was the main engineer on Rocinante who was helping Naomi in the first episode and how Holden didn't realise she was the main engineer who was in charge of putting the ship back together is beyond me because they had plenty of conversations with each other regarding the maintenance of the ship and after what she did to Fred, how he didn't make sure everything was ok before flying was baffling to me and if not for Naomi's warning everyone would be dead in that ship. R.I.P Tiny Amos with the killer Suplex was gangster, also Amos helping Clarissa was adorable and I'm looking forward to their journey ahead. Hopefully Alex and Bobbie are fine and that final move from Alex was gangster because I genuinely thought that was it for them. Can't wait for the next one.

Christina Jones

So Holden not checking confused a lot of people. He was indeed doing systems checks in his screens if you screenshot. It was also vocally stated in the books. Why they didn’t focus on it was because it didn’t matter. The Augustin Gamora code is practically undetectable so Naomi’s message was absolutely necessary to save their life. A product of Filip bringing is too smart mother aboard and her inner circle dropping every hint known to man. This is squarely Karal’s fault for saying here we were going to refresh your memory. Something that stick but in despair at her helplessness pushed aside.

Christina Jones

Marco is so diabolical and distractingly attractive it’s quite the whirlwind hating him in the present but also wishing I can get the DVD version of the love story that once was before his hatred and nefarious nature poisoned it. Imagine if he were like, a good person. Alas, he lashes out at his son by degrading him after mom rejected his overture to join the family for a meal...even offering her the Martian trash she prob likes now. That he’s the master strategist and calculated leader one minute and a vindictive manipulator in his personal interactions is quite the dichotomy of character. He leaves very little room for remorse and yet Keon plays good at showing the bitter, broken, posturing teen behind his eyes and sometimes in his stance. Naomi wrote the Gamora code that blew up the ship that killed 516 people. Since everyone can’t hold water she figured it out as of COURSE Marco would find it poetic to use their greatest victory instrument she wrote to kill not only her family and herself but all of Tycho station. Sakai was planning to go out with the station. She worked on the repairs but Naomi was with her as only the Roci crew can access the ship but clearly they’re trust was misplaced. Poor Jim; that message was the saddest shit ever. He needs a hug but his closet companion is a man that kinda owes him his life who has a hard on for making every Belter he encounter want to side with Marco. Seriously dude, chillax.