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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Expanse 5x3 Mother- Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d4RZH95ZR55OB-kMeHy_rJuKZQyHQmCr/view?usp=sharing



Lasith Bandara

Loved the reaction guys, Drummer's scenes with her small crew were excellent, and I loved Alex and Bobbie working together too. I also love how everyone we know shares information so freely now. Also why no one is listening to Chrissy is beyond me, specially the UN secretary because even if Chrissy have no proof, take the intel your predecessor gives you, so you can prepare for anything rather than dismissing it. Also Chrissy's last ally Admiral Delgado "The stupid Idiot" pissed me off so much, because if you are aware of a credible threat and you don't put your job one the line to persuade everyone that the threat is real what is the point of you, because I'm sure you are there to protect and give your life to earth if necessary, times like this I wish we still had Admiral Souther. Also Noami's reunion went exactly as I hoped it would go, and it was hilarious because she basically told him that she never stopped loving him, and he can take her ship and leave his father who raised him, and taught him everything he knows, and abandon his family just like what she did to him, OMG that was ridiculers and no wonder she got captured. I Can't wait for the next episode it will be the best episode you have seen so far from this season and It will blow your mind.

Christina Jones

“She should slap him.” -“ What? Why?” “ Boy, whatchu doing?” /“ Babe, shut up.” Sums up perfectly what I love about your reactions. Naomi is my MVP and it starts with this naive and desperate need to save her son. I will say I do prefer how they did it in the books. The whole thing was rather more insidious and calculated but I understand the show changes as it pertains to a much more tolerable Filip. However, you already see what seeds Marco has done what damage. You’ll understand more when we finally REALLY meet the man why Naomi would be reckless with her own safety....I mean she knew this was a possibility but she also couldn’t CONCEIVE what Marco has been up to these last years. I loved the bar scene with Cyn a lot. Karal is angry and bitter she left whereas Cyn is happy to see someone like a daughter to him. Not many old timers in the Belt seeing as Belters lifespan is two times shorter than humans. At Pallas Station, we learn some interesting tidbits. Kinda what Kirk said; there is no wasted dialogue it’s alllll word building. Belters are losing the only jobs they can do due to the Rings which is making them obsolete while the Inners are continuing to expand; this time without them. That’s a lot legitimate anger and how many deal with it is drink. I wish we’d seen more on Pallas. There’s so much rich history here and this is also the place Naomi grew up; orphaned street rat. I love that the Roci crew are really celebrities and that’s it’s made clear these are history book characters . It raises the level of events for me. Bobby and Alex as always fun. Too bad Cas had to sexually harass folks and get fired now they aren’t recasting him and it’s slightly taken from my enjoyment of his acting but I adore the character and him jumping on that guy was great. I also love Bobby who’s so gun ho for violence she’s practically gleeful when she gets to use those skills. Drummer broke my heart too. So much weight on her shoulders and it’s only gonna feel heavier as Marco has now successfully attacked Earth; to what extent tune in next time. Lastly, I appreciate Delgado reminding the audience that even Queen of Earth Chrissy wouldn’t listen to anyone of the shoe was on the other foot but that’s not taking the sting out of she’s always right. It really take away from how batshit crazy Marcos plan really is in it’s audaciousness and because it’s to keep the character relevant in these early episodes is very clear. I’m coming to terms with it. Also Nancy Gao heard out Chrissy and she didn’t have any evidence. Nancy herself has not been privy to lol knowledge after that convo they are being blackballed by her administer. I think many people got that confused. Keep up the great reactions that always make me laugh. “Stop.” RJ- “Hammertime” Shut up RJ 🤣🤣🤣 PS. Man does Filip look like Naomi and Filips DNA baby like wtf!

Christina Jones

Delgado was definitely easing off the gas but still believing it’s true which does make him rather cowardly but it’s his ass on the line not Chrissys. She literally was a dictator in her last administration and admittedly burned all her bridges. It’s a sad karma but karma nonetheless. I love you pointed out that she wanted Filip to do exactly what she did and didn’t see the irony of it all but she knows that it’s the only route left to him after being scorched with Marcos influence all your life. Yeah it went how it was gonna go but also not as no one including his associates was expecting him to take her just the ship and they didn’t really need the ship. He wanted it cause she gave it to him and methinks despite her naivety her words had some effect for all it seemed a failure as he does unexpectedly take her with him. Why? If it’s not part of the plan. He didn’t need her ship so why take it? Love these subtle references to Filips mindset. I find it interesting you bring up Souther; who would be exactly what everyone needs but keep in mind he hated Chrissy and despite their talk and his faith she’s a patriot made it clear people like her made the problem. Wonder how’s he feel after she became UN Secretary?