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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Community 2x5 Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples- Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fexy6nRLGQxb1SiZV76rFYJO3EpF3_pv/view?usp=sharing




The score makes this episode " abed Abed AaaAABEeeeEDDD" " sssshhhhiiiiiiiirrrrrrRLLeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy" ... you guys don't have to sing that when you read this.

❥ rina

this was always an odd yet hilarious episode. i love love love that heartwarming scene with Shirley and Abed at the end. Britta and Jeff acting like Pierce's parents throughout the episode was gold. also i agree with Sir Deb, the scores this episode were just brilliant. i get giddy when you guys bring up how you can tell the ridiculousness is being cranked up this season, because you guys have some real gems ahead of you. speaking of which..........enjoy one of my favorites, episode 6 :)))

Lasith Bandara

This episode was Ridiculously funny from start to finish and I loved Jesus Abed and his Failed Production, also Jeff And Britta Being Pierce's Parents was Hilarious.


This was such a fun episode. I love the Abed and Shirley moment at the end and how they flipped the whole hipsters joke onto the old people instead of it being connected to a younger group. Britta and Jeff playing dad to Pierce reminded me of when they were playing pseudo-parents to Abed last season in an episode in where Abed was also making a movie. I'm so excited for you to see the next episodes. It's definitely one of my favorites in the season and the series. Until next time, take care!