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Hi Patrons!

Just had to share- I found this last night :) This was the movie I was talking about in our Spirited Away review :D And just wanted share. This is one that's stuck with me and has a special place in my heart too :) (Even if I couldn't remember the name which is The Snow Queen lol)  Have y'all seen it??

What are some of your own favorite childhood movies??

(No worries reactions are coming later today too- just had to share! lol :D) 

Thanks as always for the continued support!

Jrabbit and RJ



Nemanja Petrović

Favorite childhood movies follow some sort of neural shortcut to the emotions, don't they? I'm just immediately transported to the whole mood I was in at the time, the images, the smells... I haven't seen The Snow Queen, unfortunately, but some of my childhood staples are The Aristocats (1970) (the 'Everybody Wants To Be A Cat' scene is just an absolute classic), The Sword In The Stone (1963) (I love the talking owl Archimedes) and The Jungle Book (1967). Also, for some reason my parents let me watch a really depressing (although not for 8-year-old me) cartoon series from communist Hungary (I'm from Serbia so it was just occasionally aired on some channels) - Gusztáv or Gustav (1961-79) - which follows the grey urban world of an anonymous/placeholder middle-aged depressed man as he tries to makes his life less monotonous or struggles with his complexes. 'Sounds great', I know hahaha, but it was filled with great social commentary and dry humor that, I like to think, planted the seed for my subsequent love of sarcasm and satire. In my opinion, when talking about kids watching TV people often underestimate the resilience, plasticity and craftiness of a child's mind, which often intuitively takes precisely what it needs from what it encounters and disregards what adults consider risky but it simply cannot yet understand.