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Come and check out the Full & Edited Blocked Show Reaction: The Flash 6x17 Liberation - Available on the drive now!

FULL : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14AiuoUBiSzhbBFCbZForAC_cwPRyjHHa/view?usp=sharing

Edited Blocked ($5 tier)): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mOO4lTj5f8vIW0B5hd2Vp4R_tSJ3hlWT/view?usp=sharing




Not me crawling out of the woodwork to comment on a Flash reaction after months of silence. lmao XD This is easily my favorite episode of this second half. I enjoyed it just as much as "The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 1." I have loved a lot of this Mirror!Iris arc largely for the opportunity it gave Candice to show her acting chops. Everyone knows playing a juicy baddie is the goal when it comes to acting. Candice’s depiction of Mirror!Iris has been exceptional this season. I was especially in love with how she was able to make the fake seem off but not so off that it was unreasonable for everyone not to notice. It’s more noticeable when you binge but Candice also did this subtle thing where she bled in more duplicitousness and menace with each new episode yet also showcased more of Mirror!Iris’ changing loyalties. I actually think there were a couple of moments even before this episode where Mirror!Iris started to pull away from Eva. When she gave Barry genuine advice about thinking outside of his limits as someone losing his powers and instead think about the limits metas have because of their abilities. Then Barry used her words to have that deeply emotional scene with Thawne in “The Exorcism of Nash Wells.” Also, another moment was when Eva first told her to drain Barry’s powers in “So Long and Goodnight,” Mirror!Iris hesitated for a moment and she pushed back on the plan to Eva instead of just obeying immediately. I personally think Mirrir!Iris is the longest made mirror clone, not Singh. I think Singh was made just before he showed up again. That’s why the Iris version seemed to be gaining autonomy and consciousness more than the others. It makes me wonder if the other two would’ve eventually evolved beyond obeying Eva or if there was something inherently different about Iris or Iris and Barry’s relationship that made Mirror!Iris different. I also enjoyed this arc for the delicious Westallen angst it gave us. It’s tough watching Barry get gaslit and basically be in an emotionally manipulative/abusive relationship but the DRAMA of it all was some good shit. The only things I would’ve changed about the arc would’ve been to either limit it to 3-4 eps of Iris stuck in the mirror or if they wanted a story longer than that, they should’ve had Iris have more to do inside the mirror world. Maybe have her find out Eva was an antagonist earlier and have her on the run in the mirror world or fighting Eva while searching for Kamilla and Singh inside the mirror for 1-2 episodes, culminating in this episode. Lastly, I wanted to touch on that fantastic mirror fight scene. My god, they really knew how to use that environment to create a really dynamic and interesting fight. It also worked because of all the emotions involved that had been building up for episodes and episodes. Then that moment when Mirror!Iris began to crack and shatter was gorgeous. I tell y’all I really had a blast in this episode.

Lasith Bandara

Loved the reaction guys, This episode was🔥🔥🔥 from the beginning to the end, and I loved everything about It, Also the Fight scene at the end was epic. Once again Grant and Candice came through with their acting, especially in that final scene where they were both talking to each other. Also I'm fairly certain Caitlin was Pregnant in real life and that's why that scene and storyline was introduced, Also when Cisco was checking Caitlin's temperature RJ saying she's about to start Snowing nearly killed me, because at that exact time I was drinking some water 🤣🤣🤣Also RJ questioning Fake Iris's Ponytail was hilarious, and Thank You RJ for keeping the Flash reactions Extra Funny for me, Can't wait for the next episode.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys so many great things in this episode. For me the real MVP was Barry. Finally HE figured it out. And it was not random at all. He said to Cecile that he was collecting evidence for weeks, but didn´t want to say anything before he was sure. That´s where all the boxes came from. And Viris kicking him out was the last straw. Cecile letting Barry out of the pipeline was really touching. I loved seeing Bloodwork back in the game. Such a great actor. For me he will always be Mohinder from "Heroes". BTW, did you watch that show? Speaking of great actors, i thought Candice acted the hell out of Viris. Great job. Viris catching the feels is not so unbelievable as you might think. I mean Barry is still the "Paragon of Love", and if anyone can do it, he can. That´s what i´m going with anyway. 🤣 And the random Caitlin scene was probably because she was super pregnant at this time IRL, so they had to think of something to explain her being less involved for now. All in all a great episode Loved your reaction as always, stay safe and i see you in the next one.

Christina Jones

This episode had me in a puddle of tears and emotions. I was screaming from the balcony like Mary for someone to please call 9-1-1 cause I hath been shot down! The episode in one of my favorites. I wanna talk about my crazy theory. I have already been laughed off the stage and I don't care. So, Bloodwork said he's working on the "long game" and we see his "blood" still in the vial at Barry's place. Now we've already seen Barry being posessed by BW so doubtful that's his plan. However, he was recently seen talking to a 98% percent version of Iris that was grittier yes but not quite Savitar. You still with me? So he told Barry in The Last Temptation that you have to want/accept his gift. Now what did he ask Virus? He saw she was something not quite human but wanted to be and he made sure David was knocked out in that conversation so Eva would not be prone to what was said. Why would he do this? Hmmmm. Noooowwwwww Eva is able to retain her organic matter due to his blood. Iris just shattered into a million pieces and Barry passed the heck out. Wouldn't it be some type of stuff if he is able to make Virus into a real girl? I'm headcannoning this in fanfiction if it doesn't happen in the show. Until next time!