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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Star Trek Discoveryy 1X05 "Choose Your Pain"- available on the drive now! 



Lasith Bandara

Loved The Reaction Guys, This Was An Amazing Episode, Lorca Kidnaping And Escape Was Brilliant. Also Loved The Fact They Released The Tardigrade At The End. Also Saru Lost All Compassion In This Episode Which Annoyed Me, Because Someone Who Constantly Lives With Fear Couldn't Empathise With A Sentient Creature. Also That Ending Confused Me Too, Can't Wait For The Next Episode.


I am so, so sorry about this long comment. I just love the ep so much. You def do not have to read it all if you don’t want. lmao To sum up, I love the use of the "Choose Your Pain" title as it refers to multiple characters. The episode presents a spectrum where Self-Sacrifice is at one end and Sacrifice Others is on the opposite end. Then it raises the question: what are you willing to sacrifice/do to save yourself or others? The way each character behaves in response to this dilemma reveals something about them. Story 1: Harry Mudd - Mudd makes the quick choice to not only choose other prisoners for torture--that one guy even got killed--but he also goes even further and actively informs on the others to the Klingons. Now we know that Mudd is a man who Sacrifices Others for his own health/comfort/safety and cannot be trusted. It makes the later choice to leave him mostly acceptable in the audience’s eyes. Ash Tyler - Ash is the complete opposite. He decides to self sacrifice at several parts of the ep. First, he offers Lorca his food so that Lorca, as captain, will have more energy. Next, he offers to take the beating in the cell for Lorca (although this turns out to be a ruse for escape). In the hall, he asks to be left behind because he thinks he’s hurting Lorca’s chances for survival. Lastly, though it is not touched on too deeply here, we do learn that he is being sexually engaged by L’Rell, who is currently the captain of the ship. While this is most certainly sexual assault and cannot be ignored as such, in another way, we can think of this as him actually Self Sacrificing one aspect of his autonomy to save his life. Now we know that Ash Tyler falls almost completely in the Self Sacrifice side of the spectrum. Not once does he hurt someone who is innocent just to save or spare himself (he only fights in active combat and threatens Mudd once but doesn’t follow through). He usually actively puts himself in danger/harm. He’s a fairly good example of an idealistic Starfleet officer. His only time choosing a negative option was in leaving Mudd behind to potential Klingon torture at the end. However, this is lessened since Mudd has proven to be untrustworthy and could ruin their escape. Tyler ends up as 95% Self-Sacrificial with 5% left over for self preservation and common sense. Gabriel Lorca - Lorca is an interesting one, however. I would put him fairly in the middle, actually. He is not willing to sacrifice others in the jail cell and shows concern for Tyler and the nameless officer’s welfare. However, we also learn that he sacrificed his old crew thinking that was better than they being tortured. Very notably, he was willing to kill them to spare them torture but not willing to die with them. He also was firm about not leaving Tyler behind and making sure to come back for him. Also for Lorca he is definitely willing to sacrifice Mudd after the man betrayed them. I would say that Lorca is not actively savage/rurthless but he can be pushed to a point where he will sacrifice others for what he considers is the greater good. Lorca’s only self-sacrifice is that he will refuse eye surgery as a constant reminder of his crew and the ruthless choice he made. Story 2: Now for the other story, the title can be applied to whether the crew members of Disco and Starfleet at large are willing to sacrifice/torture the tardigrade alien to win the war or save Federation lives. Saru - Saru, we now learn, is naturally a prey species but can be pushed to the point of Sacrificing Others if he believes it is for the greater good or thinks it will save the life of someone he values higher. I like to think of Saru’s choice in the context of Social Identity Theory which says people naturally place themselves in groups as part of their identity. People build circles of connection (other species, my species, other races, my race, other countries, my country, friends, family, self). Then they base decisions/worth on us vs them or me vs us using these groups. These are called ingroups and outgroups. The further away from the self ingroup, the more willing some people are to sacrifice that group. Saru is willing to sacrifice the tardigrade because he places it in a circle that is farther away from his self and his ingroup of Lorca, the Discovery crew, and Federation. I have more thoughts on why Saru makes this choice but it’s based on stuff that happens later so I won’t get into it here. Michael, Tilly, Hugh Culber (the doctor) - Michael, Tilly, and Hugh are not willing to sacrifice and torture the tardigrade at all. Considering the stakes of trying to save Lorca, there is an argument that they are willing to sacrifice Lorca to save the tardigrade. I think the difference is that the tardigrade is an innocent alien unable to consent vs Lorca who signed up for Starfleet with the full knowledge that he might be tortured or killed by an enemy. Considering that, the choice is clearer for Michael, Tilly, and Hugh: losing Lorca and potentially the Disco getting destroyed by the Klingons is an acceptable sacrifice for the tardigrade’s freedom and life. Paul Stamets - Stamets is not only unwilling to harm the tardigrade or lose his husband/partner over that but is actively willing to make a Self Sacrifice to ensure the tardigrade’s safety, Hugh’s life, the safety of the Discovery crew, and the safety of Lorca. He will endure torturous experiments to help everyone. Now we know that despite his bad attitude in the first few episodes, at his core Stamets is deeply empathetic and sacrificial. When push comes to shove, Stamets is a very good example of a Starfleet officer. It’s worth it to note that Michael, Tilly, and Hugh were never actively presented with the self-sacrifice choice so we don’t completely know if they would do the same as Stamets. However, my gut feeling based on previous eps is that Michael would 100% make the same choice as Stamets while Tilly might but would need to be convinced it was the only way. I don’t think we know enough about Hugh to know what he would do.