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Come and check out the early access edited version of  Star Trek Discovery 1X4 "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" - on the drive now! 



Leah B

Before I forget to mention this later, if you plan on reacting to season 2, make sure to watch the Short Treks on CBS All Access (I think there are four of them). You don’t have to make videos for it, but the content is connected to season 2.


Thanks! Can you remind us again as we get to the end of the season_ I'm sure i will forget by then. :)

Christina Jones

I felt so bad for the creature being tortured to coordinate the fuel drive but was distracted by Lorca standing on the Discovery bridge giving big dick energy as he drops an ultimate calling card. When he told Burhnam to walk with me, I said with pleasure. Might as well button up the Lorca thirst is real. Anywho, it's amazing how much I did not like Stamets in the beginning. While especially I get his anger towards Lorca the actor doesn't convey the subtlety well as to why he is so difficult. He (Lorca) answered the phone to Admiral Cornwall like, can I help you? That's what I like about his play at Captaincy; there's an unabashed desire to win without the task of hand holding which is rather new. I love Michael's walk; she's got sass for days.