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Come and check out the FULL Reaction to The Flash Season 5 Episode 17 "Time Bomb" - on the drive now!



Lasith Bandara

Loved The Reaction Guys, I'm On Barry's Side And No I Don't Feel Bad For Nora At All, I Know Nora Had Good Intentions But In What Universe Would You Trust Reverse Flash, He Killed Your Grandmother And Scarred Your Father For Life And Even After Learning That You Kept Working For Him Blindly Following His Instructions. I Can Understand If She Hadn't Interacted With Team Flash Then I Would Feel Sorry For Her Because We Know How Manipulative Reverse Flash Is. Can't Wait For The Next Episode It's Going To Be Amazing.


Great episode all around. The Cicada stuff is not usually that interesting to me but this episode it was pretty good. The West-Allen family and Thawne story line is where this season really shines for me, tho. I have a lot of empathy for Nora's situation. She obviously knew very little about Thawne before she started working with him. After she found out what he did, she wanted to stop working with him but was encouraged by her experiences/lessons with her parents to give him a second chance. From her POV, Thawne is secure in prison and very well may have been remorseful and seeking redemption based on his actions so far. He's helped her greatly over the last 1-2 years, teaching her how to use her powers, how to time travel, and how to stop Cicada. He obviously has his own agenda (he always does) but from Nora's perspective, I can see why she continued to work with him if she thought it would save lives. Then, of course, the lie grew too big. She's spent about one and a half years getting to know her family. Now after everything that's happened, telling Barry and Iris the truth is more terrifying than Nora can take. Nora was obviously about to confess all when Sherloque swoops in and exposes her before she could finish. It was great writing from a dramatic point of view but it was a bit messed up to override her moment. Especially since Sherloque could clearly see that she was actually confessing. He even said it himself to start off his big reveal. But, of course, Sherloque is very vain and needs to be in the limelight. So he stole her thunder. Barry's reaction was heartbreaking. Whenever he uncovers a betrayal from someone he trusts and loves, Grant plays that betrayal on his face so beautifully. This time is even worse considering Nora is his daughter. There are several writing choices this season that did not work for me but the bonds between Nora and her parents was not one of them. (We can get into the choices I disliked after the finale.) The show built up to this moment wonderfully. We have watched Nora grow closer to her parents and Team Flash starting back in S4. Nora and Iris' friction and ultimate reconciliation, Barry coming to terms with the fact that he dies in the future and leaves his family grieving for him, Iris and Barry struggling to learn how to parent when the idea of children never even occurred to them...all of these things make it that much heavier when it's revealed that Nora has been deceiving them all this time. Can't wait til you finish out the season. There are quite a few moments coming up that I am anxious to see you two watch.

Christina Jones

I love Iris West Ann Allen but balls facts are Iris was a mother who hid EVERYTHING including she had speed from her daughter entire life thus she was prime manipulation material. This child was never properly prepared or educated on her father and his history. Maybe if her mom had told her who Thawne was she wouldn’t have so completely trusted him. But I can only defend Nora up until she learns he killed her grandma in front of her father and he still ain’t over it as you witnessed with your own eyeballs never minded believing hypothetically her father may one day forgive him for it. It wasn’t in the current timeline sis that that was happening. She made a choice point blank and though it was for a selfless reason she had wayyyyy too long to lay her cards down and would have met with a different response. Eric Wallace is the S6 showrunner and season 7.