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Full Reaction DC Titans Season 2 Episode 3 - On the drive now for our Patrons!



Lasith Bandara

As Always Amazing reaction guys, I really like how they are showing their training in each episodes so far i hope that continues. Also Jason is so impatient I think thats due to being sideline by batman, he needs to learn how to be a team player and help Rachel and Gar, also evolve as a person, at the moment he is annoying everyone and being reckless. Also Hopefully We Will See Rachel undergoing her trials ( 400 consecutive days of the harshest warrior training).

Christina Jones

I really appreciate seeing the training scenes though they can sometimes feel showy. This year I’ve yet to be impressed by any fight sequence and I need them to stop teasing DEATHSTROKE in all his sexy glory. Hank and Dawn continue to be disappointments to the series; honestly why were they there in the fight when Jason landed more blows than the two combined? How are you feeling about this season thus far? It’s not terrible but it’s letting me down