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Come and check out Doctor Who 8x12 Death in Heaven- FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LeMm58FCTgrZvkgv86d4ABK_75gPTfnU/view?usp=drive_link




JRabbit bawling her eyes out at Danny sacrificing himself for the kid he shot, but RJ winning the compassion award for: "Kids parents are probably dead, he's got no social security number, and no identity because everyone thinks he's dead, but he got another shot at life" 😂😂😂😂 OMG I haven't laughed so hard at a sad moment 😂. Great finale. Going back to what both of you said about these threads that you don't even notice until the finale, it's what makes Doctor Who such a rewatchable show to me. I can tune into one episode (or I guess one story to account for the two-parters) and it typically works standalone. But tune into the entire season as a rewatch and I get to see all the threads play out again. It's the perfect show to dip in and out of when you need a little Who fix. I need to know if RJ has a copyright claim or if I'm good to go ahead and order a Missy t-shirt with her floating on the umbrella with "Mary Poppin's Poppin" written on it. I so need that for the next Doctor Who convention I go to lol. I am SOOOOO glad you caught the mid-credits scene. I completely forgot this episode had one. There's another episode much later that has one too, I'll try to remember. I love that we went full circle on the hug moment from the first episode, when the Doctor said he's not much of a hugger anymore. And in this episode we find out it's because hugging is just a way to hide your face. That ending was devastating, knowing that they are both lying to protect one another. Lying has been somewhat of a central theme for Clara this season. My final thought, is you just know how truly upset the Doctor was that Missy lied to him about Gallifrey. There's no way he'd punch the shit out of the Tardis like that under normal circumstances. Looking forward to the next one. Christmas in May! 🎄

Jeremy Burch

The Doctor really has to stop suggesting people might be able to travel in space and time with him that aren't direct companions, because how many times did they end up dying after he said that. I was happy Osgood was back in the episode because I liked her in the 50th anniversary but then she died, not so happy about that. I'm also sad that Danny died, they tricked us with that, having us meet his ancestor, basically revealing that he and Clara end up together and had a family, only to change that future and kill him in this episode. This was a really good episode, it had a lot of great moments and performances. I loved that whole scene with the Doctor, whose been asking if he's a good man all season finally getting his answer and making that big speech, then Danny coming through to take out the Cybermen. I also thought they had a great moment for long time fans with the Brigadier saving his daughter, I never watched the original Doctor Who, so I never saw him there, but I did see him on the Sarah Jane Adventures, a couple of years before the actor sadly passed away. I really think both show runners Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies have done a great job building stories up. With Bad Wolf showing up everywhere in season 1, to the vote Saxon stuff, which even made it's way into Torchwood, plus everything with the watch holding the memories of a Time Lord being introduced before the master reveal, not to mention Rose showing up on screens and in the background in season 4. Plus everything Moffat has done with dialogue in one season leading to reveals in another, not to mention that time with the Weeping Angels when we had the Doctor show up from a different future episode without us even realizing. They've done a great job with storyline building so far. I was thinking that ending, with Clara thinking the Doctor was happy and alright when he wasn't and the Doctor thinking Clara was happy and alright when she wasn't, was kind of a sad, maybe a little disappointing ending for Clara, then a man knocked on the TARDIS echoing my thoughts, thank you...uh...Santa? Great reaction, I look forward to the next one.