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Come and check out Friday Night Lights 1x6 El Accidente - FULL & Early access edited Reaction - Available on the drive now!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L98Qx0ZJoum4KQrZpmarxkTzFMt9qpjd/view?usp=drive_link

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L7DaO-zzByXUh7Dkj921-bm33w9ezgg0/view?usp=drive_link



Jeremy Burch

Well, you definitely dislike Lyla more than I do, lol. I don't think the show is trying to say she's innocent in this. They make sure we see all the glances between Lyla and Riggins, they know were going to be angry at her. She also took responsibility in the episode as well, which I don't think is entirely correct, I think there both at fault. Also, I think in general she is a nice person, which is why it might seem like the show is trying to paint her as not really at fault, but just because she might be nice in general doesn't mean she can't do something really bad and make a terrible decision, it doesn't mean you can't end up hurting someone just because you don't generally try to. I think were forgetting that their teenagers and teenagers can make a lot of terrible decisions but that doesn't necessarily mean that's who they'll be forever. I also don't think she's alright with what she did, I think particularly in the episode after they first hooked up they showed her have a lot of anger and guilt with herself. I did want her to make a choice, though, choose to break up with Jason and tell him the truth or choose to end things with Riggins and tell the truth, the truth still has to happen, it's not sustainable for this lie to sit there, it needs to come out. Because watching them all sit around and pretend nothing happened and nothing was different was unpleasant and kind of infuriating. The truth has to happen, maybe that means the friendships and relationships are over forever or maybe not but there can't be a relationship or friendship of any kind without the truth. I'm glad Matt told the truth about what happened, I also think that Voodoo was gone a little to fast. Great reaction I look forward to the next one.