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Hi Patrons,

Apologies for the delays in posting content on the multitude of occasions over this current season of life.

Here are a few reasons that have contributed to that and RJ and I will be determining how best to navigate amidst these changes with the least amount of impact to our Patreon Community.

1) RJ who used to have the weekends off now only has 1 day out of the weekend off. So where we used to have 2 full days to contribute to reactions, we now only have one.

2) For those of you that don't know, I'm also the CEO of Hoop Brothers which is a video production company that works with players and organizations in the basketball community- and this is AAU season. I have AAU events and tournaments every single weekend in a multitude of cities across the US and so on the one day we have off to record, I am also juggling the oversight and management of my other business.

3) RJ also works full time for a communications company as supervisor and they have a multitude of huge projects going on currently forcing him to work longer hours during the week.

4) Additionally our son is involved in both LaCrosse (LaCrosse just ended so yay!) and Band for his HS and we've had back to back events we've been supporting, volunteering, and just showing up as his biggest fans.

All this to say, the struggle has been real and we've done our best to limit the impacts it has on our community here, which we value so much.

That being said we've failed...for our EPs for April- we have an additional 6.5 hours left to record + edit for this month. We're not going to make the 30th deadline. Based on the schedule I have mapped out for this week, we can get the EP Content up by the 5th of May. If any EP was planning on unpledging for May, we will still share that reaction with you once we get that up. Our apologies that we couldn't - in our Nate Bargatze voice- "get it going" and hit that deadline (Shoutout to Jamal for putting us on to this gem of a human- https://youtube.com/shorts/jSc0gNqWFI0?si=sLrddeN-Amj1sFR0 )

I will be posting the results of the EP Raffle later today for May + the posts to take suggestions for Movies and Shows. If you wanted to throw your name into the EP hat you still have a bit to do that:


We really appreciate the grace you have all shown us amidst the delays and so appreciate the patience!

With lots of love and appreciation,

RJ and Jrabbit




You guys are crazy busy, I completely understand. I'm happy for my EP content to be released later if you need the time. I'd rather you be relaxed and enjoying the moment instead of feeling you have to watch content when you have 100 other things you need to do.

Christina Jones

As a single mom with a teenager whom I love and want to strangle simultaneously, a full time job, this damn podcast and increasing aging concerns I GET IT! Adulting sucks cause there’s never enough time in a day, week, month, or year to keep everything organized and punctual so….do what you gotta do. I can’t keep up watching all your reactions anyways! 😭😭😭 delays are off out better for me so I have a chance at sending feedback. Congrats on Lacrosse which is somehow now an American sports 💀

Fay K

I tend to keep up with the shows that I want to watch, but delays make me go and pick something from the Drive to watch. It's how I learned I enjoyed Cougar Town