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Techno arcane ransomware curses may strike at any place at any time!
Beware burning that midnight oil and clicking random popups without thinking, it never ends well!

And the same 5 slots for this one, I guess I'm just making multiple options for most of these.
One more left to go and these are opening up!




As if its not hard enough choosing who gets transformed and into what, with the previous one and now this, we got multiple great scenes too!

Some Foxy

2 and 3 looks best to me, might be because they're sitting down and showing their thighs and bottoms.


And there's even more coming with the next donkey thing! Though that's a bit more limited to the donks themselves, so there's that. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to go with.


Fellow man of culture, butts are always a nice to see along with those thick legs.