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For Sketchyseraph

Who doesn't love fluffy little surprise packages? They're such cute little things to receive.
Or at least as long as they're not having some weird life changing effect on you that is.
Then again not only is this floof rich body curvy in the right places, it does look like you can now casually flip over cars, so it's not exactly all bad.



Great Axiom

This character looks familiar. Is this BB from the Fate series?


Yes, that's exactly who it is. Not too familiar with Fate myself to be honest, but I know it's been around for ages.

Some Foxy

Now I know you don't really do the whole sort of heavy/fat kind of bodies, but I think you managed to strike a pretty nice balance on this for her new curvy bear-self.


There's a fine balance of where they can look very fitting. Really they're basically a necessity for all bears, goes with the species.