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Okay here we go!
Night out in the city celebrating the Halloween, but on your way to the party you happen to come across a nice witch who decides to make your costume a bit more real for the evening!
Or well more like permanently...
(Not the best preview with that girl in the pic, but you get the basic idea)

Costume choices for this I have are the following:
Werebat: Closed
Werewolf: Closed
Mummy Anubian: Closed
Ghost: Closed

Scarecrow: Closed

1x of each option available.
€200 per slot.

Naturally these work the best when it's a human turning to one of these options, but I guess we can put a furry character there too if you want.
And this can be a male to female TF.

Of course if you have something in mind for a costume idea then we can take a look at it too.
If there's a lot of interest for this then the 5 slot isn't really a hard limit, but we'll see how this goes.



Great Axiom

I'll take a slot. Do we take this to direct messages? Also, will I get an idea of what some of the options (scarecrow, ghost) look like?

A Big Guy

I’ll take a slot, thanks!