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For Rolo

Well that about does it, changes ended just in time so you didn't end up destroying the house!
Might have to punch through a wall or two to get out though.
It seems like our culprit isn't all too bothered about this turn of events, almost makes you think he knew what he was doing with those necklaces...



Sashi Williams

Now he needs to find a mild shrink spell and top it off with a permanency so that they'll be able to get in and out of doors with only partially bending over.. * grins *


They had just a tiny amount of magic in them :p


Temporarily shrinking them down might help with the food expenses too, then again I guess they can now eat grass and leaves..

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Some day, you'll be able to put this picture into an AI with a prompt to turn it into a comedy series about the three of them constantly dealing with erotic situations involving their transformation into giga sexy antrho women.