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For Travis

Once again an unfortunate soul wanders into the pleasure island casino and ends up as a permanent quest.
Such are the dangers of free and easy credit that's practically pushed onto you by the casino.
Not sure if the fine print ever mentioned anything about becoming one of the donkeys though...
Not that you would have believed it even if it did, those are costumes after all, right?
Oh well not that you could complain about the situation now even if you wanted.
Knowing Alice and her magic, that red rubber ball isn't budging any time soon.




Once again excellent work!

Some Foxy

One more slav- eh, i mean poor soul whom Alice is helping paying off all that debt.


Absolutely, she's basically doing a favor for our girl. (Too bad about the interest that outpaces the payments, but we won't tell her that) Even gave her a nice body to go with the new job.


The eye roll of the dealer back there makes my day.


You can tell that donkey behind Alice just love her boss' puns :p


Seeing tons of people share the same fate as you and having to listen to Alice's razor sharp wit can definitely get to a person after a while.