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For Araymba

We have seen this girl before.
She went through a change to a saber tooth cat on a hunting trip after wishing on a star.
Looks like Ari here managed to get back to her human form. Good for her, would be pretty hard working in that other form.

Speaking of work, it can be a very stressful time at work, having to come up with material for presentation for the board of directors.
Especially when it's been hinted you just might be looking at a promotion in the near future.
Absolutely can't mess this stuff up. Just tell the bosses what they want to hear and it'll be all good.
Now let's hope you didn't forget anything too important...



Some Foxy

Oh, glad to hear from you again, were missing seeing more of your work! Oof, can't say i envy her task, office work can be a real hell... Still, its going to be really fun to see what happen!


Got a bit distracted for a while by real life which slowed things down. And yeah it can be a real bother doing office stuff. Especially when you have million things to juggle, can make you forget some important stuff you were supposed to take care of.