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For Avulpanther

Don't you just hate it when pushy salespeople just walk up to you and try and force their product on you, always talking about how it has life changing qualities?
For better or for worse, in this case the product really seems to live up to those outrageous claims.



Some Foxy

Okay, this is a really freakish coincidence, i was actually thinking about almost exactly this only a little over an hour ago! Also, where can i find this product? Um, asking for a friend...


At least her tail is big enough to cover herself with :p


She can practically hide her entire body inside that floof. Might get a bit warm though.


Sounds like your fox senses have been perfectly tuned to the frequency of this Patreon. You can now spoil the pics for yourself before I post them. And look for a mall that has plenty of extremely fluffy half skunks walking out of it. Considering how many boxes of those perfumes there are, there should be plenty of people getting a new life changing experience during their shopping trips.


Red hair and monocrome skunk patterning always go together so well.


It's a nice combination. Bright red hair stands out quite a bit on that color palette.


Ohh I really love how you did her paws!!