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As the title says, I made one of those since this place has been pulling pretty questionable things lately by apparently asking artists remove their works from other sites if it doesn't agree with Patreon's TOS.
That's something I don't agree with one damn bit.
Naturally stuff like this never bodes well for the longevity of any site, especially one that's hosting creators.
Now I have no intentions to leave this place as long as they don't bother me, but just to be on the safe side I'll have that other place going as a backup.
You never know if artists have to make yet another exodus from a site as it becomes too hostile towards them.

It's subscribestar.adult/catchabird
No need for anyone to jump ship, but just a heads up that this thing is now an alt.



I'm glad that we have alternatives just in case that one place become too hostile toward the creators and/or the supporters. Don't hesitate to keep us in touch with all their bad decisions and the possible move


I should consider becoming one too. I should consider becoming one too. Not only for having more reach, but also because Patreon could effectively fail me at some point. Like for example, the other day when (Discord, Patreon, Fur Affinity, Pixiv and other platforms fell silent for a few seconds)


Yeah it's nice that there are other sites and it's great that subscribestar seems to be the next big thing, so there won't be a large amount of fragmentation across multiple platforms if and when this place goes. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated regarding any plans of moving.


Yeah it's a good idea to have that going on, just to be on the safe side. Never know about the longevity of these sites and it's good to have the alternative ready in case we need to move. Also if this site ever goes, then there's going to be a long waiting period of getting accounts approved due to the flood of people moving at the same time. Better to get that out of the way in a timely manner.