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Looks like this generous genie is going for creating something in her own image.
I wonder what the motives behind this move could be...
You never know with these mischievous magic users.




I wouldn't be complaining. Just saying.

Sashi Williams

that's about when I threaten to destroy the lamp unless she stops the change and *ALTERS IT* to some other type of fur I would "WANT TO BE!!" ( shark... ick... too many teeth and claws and that big clumbersome tail just GETS in the way!!) ... now "HUGE TITTY DONKEY GIRL with proper hands with opposable thumbs.. *giggles* YYYYYYASS!!


Maybe she wants a twin girlfriend to spend time with in the lamp or maybe she found a replacement. Stay tune to find out!


I have a weird feeling one of those scenarios is eerily close to how this is going to play out.


Ah, the negotiation stage! It's tough to work from a position of limited power.


It certainly is, one might even say it's a bit impossible. Which is great for us, would suck if he managed to wiggle out of this.


Yes big tails have a bit of a tendency to get in the way and often obscure the nice butts these girls have. You better hope the lamp is made of destructible material though, otherwise it's probably a fairly futile threat.


I'm sure many others wouldn't either. There's a pretty nice body in store for him judging by the genie. He probably just wanted to spend the day cleaning the attic without any surprise shark titties though. Too bad, he's getting a pair anyways.