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It seems like out girl has really come to the end of her road as a waitress.
Unable to walk does mean unable to do the job. She had a good run..well no she didn't she was a terrible waitress but it's the thought that counts.
What will happen for her next? We'll know soon enough.
Alice is very creative when it comes to picking new jobs for her girls.




Working on the floor is not a suitable position?

Sashi Williams

I DO SO Hope there's a "strict bondage milking machine" in her immediate future...


You were pretty close with that prediction, can't let the milk go to waste after all.


That's just downright unhygienic! Or at least in this case it's not suitable. I'm sure there are plenty of girls who are forced to conduct their work from the floor.

Sashi Williams

oh heavens no, we can't let it go to waste.. that'd be a terrible thing indeed.. HEEEE!