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For Stajan

After the initial shock of getting to grips with the new body has somewhat worn off, it's time to get straight to business.
After all there's a lot of work to be done and for quite some time to pay off that debt.

Alice gives our (un?)fortunate victim the basics about how the new job works and as expected, the new girl gets a quick demonstration in how things work in practice.
First day on the job and it's already way harder to serve drinks with those huge tits throwing off the balance.
Not to mention having hooves instead of human feet is probably quite tricky to get used to.
Well at least it's going to make things a whole lot more interesting for our new waitress!




If the uncovered nipples didn't attract attention, the size of the breast will Also a gag could be useful against his talking problems :p


Curse you, gravity! Love the lisp issue; it's a nice touch.


That pair will catch some eyes for sure and yeah a gag would take care of any problems with speech. But there's a certain charm to watching the victim struggle getting used to those huge teeth.


Gravity, yes the worst and oldest enemy of curvy bodies. Unfortunately gravity is a subject that's going to become very familiar to this girl as she continues to mess up on the job. I like the speech impediment too, it's a fun addition to these short donkeys. Most of them will get used to it eventually though and learn how to speak coherently.