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"Talon thinks you two should spend more quality time together to make up for all of those lost years!"

I just love drawing these girls, always so much fun.  And so are Vacbeds.
I was sketching out some sequence ideas and ended up taking part of it a bit further than I expected.
Figured I might as well post the lines here so I'll be more likely to finish it.




Interesting! Talon should look for the Monolith vac tower. It would be well suited for them =)


Now that's an interesting looking thing, would be very well suited for these two for long term storage..I mean extended quality family time. Who knows, maybe Talon adds a handful of those to their inventory and we'll see one used in the future.


I worry about this family, but they do stick together!


Especially since they came in contact with the fine people of Talon. They've been practically inseparable ever since.