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For Bwuff

You know it would be a strange world without product testers.
All of those multiple warnings that you see on the labels, well they're there because those side effects are very real.
Of course this means that some brave people testing the products will have to live with the said side effects that occurred during the testing.
I have a feeling this product never made it to the shelves.




Too late to order some?

Rolo the donkey

I gotta say, this ticks all my interests. :D


Exonos corp came to the conclusion that to continue testing would result in insane repair costs, so they locked the remaining juice away from the public and their workers to prevent similar incidents. Now if someone were to break into those vaults and steal some of this stuff...


Haha, yeah had a feeling this sequence might appeal to you with the multiboobs,tg and growth elements.


I admire the dedication. Not only testing their own product, but pressing on despite all indications to the contrary that the next vial wooon't be fixing things. Your background designs really add to the action as well.


It could be worst, he could have piercings. :p


This one was either very dedicated scientist or a glutton for "punishment". Most likely the latter. And thanks, environments and angles add so much to this stuff. Makes it way more fun.