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"Well well, another group of brave heroes here to kill me, how wonderful! My garden could do with few more decorations."

"Hnngg!!" *I-i can't move*
"What did you do to us?! Unhand us you monster!"

"Now now captain. Accept your defeat gracefully and be happy that you and your warriors get to keep your lives, which by the way from this day on are going to be eternal.
Of course that might end up being more of a curse than a blessing, depends how you'll accept your new existence."

"Our sisters won't abandon us!
 More of us will come!"

"I certainly hope they will captain, I'll be sure to place them right next to you...or somewhere even closer.."
"Now let me get you acquainted with how things in my garden work. I think you girls are  going to learn to enjoy this."

*This form is eternal? Damn..
I should have shaved before I came on this trip.."

Meet Penelope, a pervy gorgon with a peculiar way of petrifying her victims.
After all where's the fun in making someone completely stone?
Couple of times every day she goes through her garden of statues and carefully "takes care" of each and every one of her permanent visitors.
Occasionally changes their poses to her liking and to keep things interesting, perhaps re-purposing them from a statues to fountains or makes them part of her furniture. Possibilities are limitless.

She's also a bit of a sculptor.
She has the ability to mold the petrified bodies and then turn them back to flesh again if she wants, but more on that later when I draw more of her.

Wanted to get some personal stuff done inbetween these commissions.
Drew the lines for this two years ago, but only now I had enough skill to pull off the environment and lay down the colors.




Penelope can help with the shaving if she ask nice enough :p


She could, though it's a nice variation to keep around. Especially if she feels like rearranging the statues and stuffing someone's face down there. Makes for a perfect cushion for anyone (un?)fortunate enough to get a fate like that.