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Commission for Yowza

Who could have known that wandering into an ancient shrine and asking deep existential questions could have led to turning into a big breasted Tanuki girl?
Well doesn't matter, at least the mysterious spirits gave an answer. ( Or maybe they were just having a laugh) either way this tourist has now an entirely new life ahead of herself.
That form ought to boost the visitor numbers to the shrine.

Been a while since I last posted something.
I've been somewhat sick for the past month, damn summer allergies turning into a flu, fever etc..
Thanks for everyone who has been sticking here despite the fairly low activity!




Turned into a big Tanuki and speak Japanese? He can attend and celebrate the Kanamara Matsuri!


Ah, the challenges of dealing with non-stretchy outfits in a world littered with transformation traps for the unwary!


With a body like that, she'd be the life of the party, or at least the most popular attraction around.


It's a big bother for sure. So many tight garments falling victims to the expanding curvy female form.