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Remember that pic of Ana turning into a pooltoy I drew a year ago or so?
Well I was going through some old files and found the first version of it that I didn't end up using.
Figured that I might as well post it since the lines were done.
I'm sure the commissioner, Mushroomkiller doesn't mind me showing this.

Also this got me thinking about lines in general. I kinda want to post my linework online.
Feels like such a waste to spend so much time on refining lines and no one really ends up seeing it.
Not sure if you guys are really interested in that stuff, but I've always found lineart very nice to look at.

Here's couple of questions:
Would you guys be interested in seeing the lines in the future or do you just want the final version of the pics?
Also another thing, do you want to see just the lines or this greyscale version?
I often find it a lot easier to look at my lines when it has this greyscale thing going on, but I'm not sure how others feel about it.



A Big Guy

I’d be interested in seeing either, but I’m also partial to the grays myself.


Thanks for the answer! Something that I've been thinking about for a while now, so it's good to hear people's opinions about it.


I always love to see progress of a drawing. Also Ana almost got her handles stuck in the chair's handles :p


Thanks for your input, I think I'll be posting the lines here whenever I can in the future. Might even start offering them as a commission option. Yeah she nearly did get caught in that chair there, but her being completely free from it's clutches makes little difference. She can't move all that much after the change. This particular form is somewhat rigid and only allows for little motion. Mainly so she doesn't run away and can be used by other customers.