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“Open your shirt and fondle your tits, now moan for me my pet! Give your mistress a good show!”

Sandra obeyed in an instant for she knew what waited for her if she didn’t.

No matter how embarrassing the orders were, it was an easy choice between pleasure or pain.

The whole day had been a series of these embarrassing close calls.

The mysterious person who called herself “mistress” at the other end of the phone kept on telling her to do things Sandra just a day ago would have never imagined herself doing even in her wildest dreams and apparently the mystery woman had no intention of stopping.

But easily the most embarrassing fact about the entire situation was that Sandra found herself enjoying this predicament.

How had she even ended up like this?

Sandra had woken up with a terrible headache from yesterdays party, but the shock of the hangover she so rarely experienced was nothing compared to the situation she found herself in.

A tight metal belt locked around her waist and crotch greeted her the moment she saw herself from her bedroom mirror.

“Wh..what? How did this?..”

She didn’t have much time to take in this absurd picture as her phone on her bedroom table started going off with a tirade of messages.

“Good morning my love, hope you slept well.

Who am I you ask? This is your new mistress. Judging by your state last night you probably don’t remember me, but that’s of little consequence.”

“The only thing that’s of importance is that you belong to me and from this day on you’ll be my little toy subjected to my whims.”

“Who was this person?” Sandra thought as she grabbed the phone and watched the messages pop into the screen.

She didn’t remember any mistresses. Besides she wasn’t even attracted to girls, nor did she much care about any subject that had to do with mistresses.

“This must all be some kind of an elaborate prank! Very funny..now how do I get this thing off!” She said to herself and started tugging away at the belt, which adamantly refused to move.

Again a bunch of messages interrupted her train of thought.

“If you’re awake and you’ve had time to marvel at my gift, You might now be thinking of removing that belt. I assure you that’s a waste of time. You won’t be able to pick the locks and cutting through it would take hours.”

“Also the moment it detects it’s being tampered with… this happens.”

And at that moment an extremely painful shock went through Sandra’s body, causing her to fall on the floor with a scream.

She lay on all fours, panting from the pain the sudden shock had caused her and for a moment all was silent.

Then the phone rang back to life with a new message:

“If you hadn’t woken up by now, that shock should have gotten you out of your bed.

Now turn on your camera, I want to see you.

IF you don’t obey, you will be receiving one of those shocks every five minutes from now on”

With trembling hands Sandra grabbed the phone, turned on the camera and while she saw nothing on her screen, it was clear that her new friend did.

“Good girl!” said a new message on the screen.

The belt sprang to life and Sandra nearly dropped her phone expecting another one of those painful shocks, but instead it was a vibration that the belt gave.

This was nothing like she had ever felt before. Completely unlike any of her toys she had spent quality time during the many lonely nights she experienced.

This sensation was pure heaven in comparison.

“You like that don’t you? That’s a good girl. I’ll just leave that on as I explain how our new relationship is going to work..”

I have never really written anything before, but I might as well start getting some practice with writing.

After all these pics go so much better with stories.

That last pic got me thinking of an old sketch that I drew, but never got around finishing.
I remember planning on maybe making a comic out of this, which would follow Sandra’s predicament.
Also I’m sure this mysterious mistress has more than one girls as toys at her mercy. She’s human btw.

We’ll see what comes out of this concept.




I look forward to see that comic about her predicament =)


I Can't wait to draw more stuff with her. This is such a fun concept to play with.