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Did I make it in time for the America day? Let's say I did.
Just some lines and flats for now, ran out of time to do more.

Well happy 4th of freedom induced day to all of the burgers following me, hope you had a good one!
I do assume you didn't get quite the dosage of patriotism as this girl did.
Yes these are the dangers of loving your country a bit too much, it can suddenly upgrade your body!
Or maybe it wasn't just patriotism, but something to do with drinking and partying on Indian burial grounds and getting cursed by the spirits.
Either way she's now a living walking and squawking symbol of the good old US! Yes walking.. those wings are a bit of a clumsy mockery compared to the real deal.
Besides that body might still have to do some more growing left to do.
Needs meatier thighs and bigger ass to properly be able to smother all of the enemies of the free world and there's no flying with that hefty body.




Best part of this day are all the Eagle TFs that pop up


Freedom Chicken!


Absolutely, same goes for all of the themed days. Always fun seeing stuff with some greater theme going on. Too bad these things are often just one day, makes the window to get something done a very small one.


Best type of poultry, always extra patriotic with thick strong thighs and big tits.