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For Yowza

Well Tiefling, you might have plenty of experience with hard liquor, but what about magical gator juice? Thought so!
Being a planetouched creature won't save you from these tittygator effects.




Call me the crocodile hunter :3


Alas, even with an Iron Liver, this ain't the kind of effect you'd resist with Constitution alone. Probably gonna turn into a whole epic adventure of its own to get this sorted out. Then again, she'd probably find herself with quite a few very nice physical benefits if she decide to remain like that...


Channeling your inner Steve Irwin and having a wrestling match with this one, might be quite a bit more enjoyable than having a go at a non titty reptile variant.


It's (un?)fortunate that the natural resistance is only limited to fire, otherwise she might have dodged this titillating fate. Could be quite a journey to try and reverse this, but like you said, the physical benefits are hard to deny.